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New article about fresh fruit
31 Jul 2013, 19:24
Here's something new from the NY Times today: ... ing-fruit/

Just in time for all the wonderful local fruit coming onto the market just now!
Interesting article. Robert Lustig gets quoted on both sides of the argument it seems. :)
Good article, but I don't completely agree with it, and have done a decent amount of personal research on the matter over the last year as I started low carbing to lose weight. It is well known that some fruits are better than others when it comes to Glycemic index, which is how it affects our blood sugar levels and insulin release. They refer in the article to apples, which are one of the better fruits due to the amount of fiber and the effect on blood sugar levels, but fail to mention some of the bad ones. Berries are also very good, but some fruits such as peaches, mangoes, plums, watermelon, and nectarines (which I love) can derail your weight loss efforts as they have too much sugar in relation to fiber which is what slows down the effects on blood sugar.

This article suggests that you should eat as much fruit as you want no matter what kinds, but all the evidence suggests otherwise. Everthing needs to be done in moderation and with balance.
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