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I have just returned from holiday in the land of no internet. I want to enter data for last Monday. I used to be able to do this (e.g. last September), but now it will not let me change 9 to 4. Why not?
It worked for me using those same dates...and even for a year earlier.
Possibly the numbers for the 4th already exist? Editing is possible then but not a total replacing re-entry. For this use edit, not add.
Thanks for looking at this @adfnfuelNo, the last entry is for 27 April. I can use the dropdown box on the day, I can scroll up and down the days, but when I tap on 4 or any other number the dropdown closes and the day remains on 9. Probably a tech problem with the last release, as I normally fill in my tracker every Monday. Tech people, please? Silk browser, not mobile view.
I have the same problem Barbarita. I can change the dates on my laptop but not on iPad. I know others can do it so must be something to do with calendar settings maybe? I have tried to fix it but to no avail.
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