The FastDay Forum

Forum News & Announcements

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Hi everyone,

Apologies for the short notice but we need to do some site maintenance tomorrow Friday (around 7AM BST) which might cause the site to go down for a few minutes.

We will obviously try to keep any interruption to the service as short as possible - hope this won't inconvenience people too much!


Paul (fast_paul)
This would be 7am Greenwich Mean Summer Time. Does anyone know roughly what time that is in Eastern Australia?
Ah, apologies - that is 4PM EST (Australia), 2AM EST (USA), 11PM PST (USA):,21,5,8&h=14&date=2014-7-17&sln=7-8
Thanks for letting us know,Paul :like:
Oi! Stop chucking me out and making me login again this afternoon! 'Twas ok this morning.
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