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Well, this has been on my list for a while, but with an increasing number of members reaching their goals and now maintaining it seems I needed to move it up the list.

Clearly if people continue to use the tracker when they are aiming to maintain as opposed to losing weight, their stats would throw the overall figures off as it would appear they were dieting with no loss.

So now, there is an option when you add your weigh-in data to specify whether you are currently aiming to lose or to maintain.

Any data that falls within a period of maintenance will be ignored by the tracker when it generates the stats (or at least, I think my code for that should work ;)). Basically, when the tracker goes through each bit of data if the previous date was marked as 'maintenance' and the current date is marked as 'maintenance', it skips them. If it's maintenance to dieting, dieting to dieting, or dieting to maintenance, this is a period of dieting and the data will be included.

Should work, right? :)

So, if you've been maintaining please would you go and edit your data to reflect this. If you have a large amount of entries which need to be marked as maintenance I may be able to do this more quickly for you directly in the database, so just drop me a message and let me know from what point you were maintaining & I'll change the data.

I will also look at adding a message to your progress page to show if you are maintaining, and below your stats on your posts/profile.
How clever you are to be able to do all that! I am not quite at that happy stage yet but I will be sure to try and do it properly when I am!
it'll be ages til I get there but will take delight in pressing 'maintenance' when I do ! You are a :star: and a very clever one at that!
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