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by Moogie » 16 Jun 2013, 14:55

Hi all and many thanks for your patience while the moderators and I discussed the opinions & vote in our 'have your say' topic about extended fasting discussion

The decision has been made in line with the majority preference of the members who voiced their opinions & voted - the official forum policy is now that we do not allow the discussion of extended fasting (near-0-calorie fasts for longer than 36 hours) except in the context of discussion of research in this field, within the 5:2 Lab forum.

My apologies to those who are unhappy with this decision - there are bound to be some. I'm sure we all know that it's impossible to please everyone, but from a legal point of view as well as for the health of our members this was a necessary step.

The Forum Rules page has now been updated to include our new policy regarding discussion of extended fasting, as well as the guidelines we have prepared for staff in dealing with topics/posts of this nature.

If you should spot a post or topic which seems to be in violation of the extended fasting policy please take a moment to click the 'exclamation mark' icon in the top right corner of the post to report the post and bring it to the staff's attention.

Thanks to everyone who helped us to come to this difficult decision and for your support in the matter.


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