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I mentally signed up for this last week, but now am feeling brave enough to sign up for real and see if I can raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

Basically, I pledge not to touch alcohol until February 2014 (and those of you who know me here, know I like a little drop!)

If I can raise a minimum of 10 pledges here by tomorrow evening, I'll sign up and post details of my Just giving page, where you can donate anonymously if wished. I'm also doing this through my Facebook page.

Whatever happens, I won't be drinking before then and I'm already feeling great! ... /dryathlon
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 11:37
I will sponsor you P ...just let me know what i need to do x
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 11:55
I am also doing Dryathlon and started on the first if the month. God, it's torture! It is money well raised although I'm not finding it as hard as I did last year. I think it is too late to sign up now though, I think the last date was 7th ?
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 11:57
Nope, I apologise, just read that link and it said 24th.
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 12:29
Happy to sponsor you Penny - what do I need to do?
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 13:02
Would love to sponsor do I find your Facebook page?

There's not really that long to go is there?! Maybe I should do the same with chocolate and then see if it feels such a short time!

Bean :clover:
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 16:14
Firstley thank you. I will have to let you know, as although I've given via just giving, I've never had a page for anything before.
I wish I'd started this earlier, but better late than never and I'll know next year. xx
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 16:34
I will, good luck with that. I'm down to a small amount of red at weekends. I did think about doing this challenge so happy to sponsor you instead.
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
18 Jan 2014, 16:50
PennyForthem wrote: Firstley thank you. I will have to let you know, as although I've given via just giving, I've never had a page for anything before.
I wish I'd started this earlier, but better late than never and I'll know next year. xx

When you sign up with Dyathlon it takes you through setting up your Just Giving page. It's really easy.
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
19 Jan 2014, 19:12
Here you go and a sincere thanks to anyone who can donate to this cause

What I intend to do is to go for a month anyway, although the challenge ends 31 January.
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
19 Jan 2014, 21:51
Thank you so much
@Wendy Darling

The link can be found above and you don't need Twitter or Facebook!
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
19 Jan 2014, 22:45
Done :like: :clover: :victory:
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
19 Jan 2014, 22:51
Thank you silverdarling xx
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
20 Jan 2014, 10:46
Indeed, many many thanks to everybody.
Re: My Dryathlon challenge
31 Jan 2014, 09:27
So, how have I got on?
With one evening to go, I'm delighted to say that:
Not a drop of alcohol has passed my lips since I made the OP.
I haven't been in the insomniacs' tent since my OP
I have lost 6lbs since beginning of January
I have started exercising again, rather than sitting here at the laptop - yesterday I achieved half an hour's exercise on the treadmill and bike.
I feel fitter and more alert.

I have also raised my (modest) target for Cancer Research UK, with some more promised.

It has broken my habit and I am so glad I took this step - or rather I am so glad I had the courage to take this step. Thank you to everyone who has supported me xx
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