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5:2 Diet Recipes

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How to cook the perfect...
19 Feb 2014, 21:36
This is probably my favourite food column, like the way they take all the influences and then come up with a recipe. Might have been posted before but today it's falafels and I love falafels...

Re: How to cook the perfect...
19 Feb 2014, 21:56
Yeah @Izzy I thought that was interesting too. I'm going to try this at the weekend. I have a word.doc recipe book that I update with recipes. Xx
Re: How to cook the perfect...
19 Feb 2014, 21:58
izzy wrote: Thanks for this Caitlin. I didn't realise you could use broad beans in falafel. I bet they taste lovely. Think I'm going to have to print off some of these bookmarked recipes and start a folder :wink:

:heart: Me too @izzy the bookmarks are getting very long indeed. Thanks again @Caitlin I'm no stalking you honest. :heart: Sue
Re: How to cook the perfect...
19 Feb 2014, 22:32
Thanks Caitlin!
I know someone who's opening a falafel shop so have forwarded this! X
Re: How to cook the perfect...
19 Feb 2014, 23:16
izzy wrote: Haha!! Sue the Stalker! :grin: :grin: @Sue, you seem to be really enjoying this WOE. It's lovely when you discover new foods to enjoy, isn't it? I swear my OH thinks I've been abducted by aliens.
I must try and learn how to use all these apps available now, for recipes and things. :geek:

:heart: Lol @izzy I think mine sometimes wishes I had
But yes I'm loving it and tonight's meal was so nice
filling + tasty OH had a taste and approved doubtful he
will go there though. :heart:
Re: How to cook the perfect...
20 Feb 2014, 00:42
That's a nice series, @caitlin! I also like Recipes for Health in the NY Times. I'm sad that Mark Bittman is writing a column now instead of doing The Minimalist recipes.
Re: How to cook the perfect...
21 Feb 2014, 19:36
Thanks @MaryAnn

Here is an archive article from the minimalist recipes from a few years ago I like the various little salads thing...

While I'm here...

I also like this Guardian column by Joanna Blythman "Why .... is good for you". A bit about he benefits of a food and a simple recipe...

izzy wrote: Haha!! Sue the Stalker! :grin: :grin: @Sue, you seem to be really enjoying this WOE. It's lovely when you discover new foods to enjoy, isn't it? I swear my OH thinks I've been abducted by aliens. The old version didn't have a clue (I still don't, but with all the lovely spices I use, I can make my food smell really, really good) :wink:

Is it possible that MM is on the space station beaming up earthlings and replacing them with biologically improved versions - you want to see whats happened to my buddy @FatDog :)

Ha @Sue.Q it's always nice to see the electric cat popping up :)
Re: How to cook the perfect...
22 Feb 2014, 10:00
The peach and tomato salad and the mango salad from that 101 salads are two of my favorite things, @caitlin!

There's a similar article about cooking on the grill. Have you ever tried those?
Re: How to cook the perfect...
23 Feb 2014, 22:36
Hi @MaryAnn, I really like the peach and tomato one too, and I like to have a few salads on the go at any one time, it's just such an easy way to eat.

I had not seen the grill ones so managed to find the link, thanks for the heads up, these are such useful recipes...

101 Fast Recipes for Grilling


Summer Express: 101 Simple Meals Ready in 10 Minutes or Less

caitlin Xx
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