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I threw down a cheese stuffed bell pepper post fast and all, they are usually yummy, but this one was fizzy.

What am I in for :shock: it went down before I knew it was bad. Bit hyper today, post fast and making a tonne of homemade pizza. Hubby is 51 today and we get to see baby Lara.

Its been 2 hours since I swallowed the suspect cheese bell pepper, I think it may be ok. I threw out the whole jar, sad about that, but not taking chances with fizzy cheese bell pepper.
Oh that's no fun. I'm sure you'll be ok, it probably was fine and it's been a while.
Happy Birthday to Mr Zamale, good age 51 :grin: congrats on becoming a groovy granny, very exciting.
Thankyou for that, he said today he feels 81, but thats because he doesn't do 5/2. He is better at it than I but he won't, he tried a month and caved.
Oh what an awful shock. I hope your stomach deals with it ok.
After stair running yesterday for the first time in weeks my legs feel 101 :lol:
Stair running as in exercise, or you had to run up stairs? I dont think i could do that. Could on you Wineoclock.
@carrieoates Thanks, I know I had the fizzy pepper before 1.30 and its past 5 now, think I will be fine. :smile:
Sounds like you passed the danger zone but if not I'm sure you will pass it soon :shock: :lol: and give little Lara a great big hug from all her cyber aunties

Ballerina x :heart:
Running for exercise Zamale, well my version of running up, a strange sort of shuffle!!
Aaaah how exciting seeing Baby Lara! X
Happy Birthday to Mr Zed! X hope youre feeling ok now Zed after the fizzy bell incident! X
The sweet little Lara has a horrid cold and she is too young at 12 days old to have any pain relief. She won't open her mouth, and her little dot for a nose is blocked.
It is hard to see her like this. My son is a bit frazzled, mum is not confident and I understand as Lara is spluttering to breath while she drinks. Poor petal. so sad.
Wineoclock wrote: Running for exercise Zamale, well my version of running up, a strange sort of shuffle!!

At lease you are shuffling and uphill too. If you are puffed, you are working it. :smile:
Oh Zamale, please let us know how Lara does, I'm sure she will be fine but it must be so distressing to see such a tiny baby struggling,

Ballerina x :heart:
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