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You visit this site for the 1st time. Which of these forum promos most encourages you to sign up?

Poll ended at 10 Jul 2014, 15:00

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Total votes : 25

Hi all, and sorry my time here seems so minimal of late, life just seems so busy and it's all I can do to keep up with work and a bit of site development/brainstorming in the few 'good' hours I muster each day. (Nonetheless my health does seem to slowly still be improving, despite the setbacks of day to day life!)

Anyway, long story short. We want to try to encourage more of our many visitors/lurkers to sign up. At the moment we just have a box at the bottom of the main site pages inviting them to sign up because it's free. But that doesn't say a lot does it? There's so much more to being a member and we want to highlight the benefits of signing up.

We've got a few short 'blurbs' (as I call them!) outlining the benefits of membership, our three key ones being the forum, the tracker and a new tool which we hope to have ready soon. It would be giant help if you could take a moment just to vote in this poll.

Imagine you have just found this site for the first time, which of these blurbs would most encourage you to sign up?

Thankies! :like:
Option 2
Option 1
Option 1
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