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FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 11:43
Hi all :)

It's been a long while since we first decided the site needed a bit of sprucing up - and in that time other things have come up and had to be taken care of first. However, we're now ready to look at giving the site a fresh new look. :victory:

I'd love a few regulars to be involved in the revamp, giving opinions and ideas so if you'd like to help out just reply to this topic and let me know! If a lot of folk want to help out I may have to pick just a few of you to be on the team, so please don't be upset if you don't get selected - I'll be fair and do it with random selection :)

Thanks all!
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 14:55
Hi Moogie!
I don't know if its possible but it would be good if photos were easier to post - as they are on Facebook. That's the sort of thing I'd like to see changed. Otherwise I love this site!
Bean xx
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 15:59
Hiiiii Moogie, how are you doing healthwise and how are the kitties! Hope you are getting tons better x
I agree with @nursebean..i can do pics but its bit of a faff ..not sure if that can be made easier?
Also, i do wish we didnt have the cartoon figures! I can live with them but i really dont like them!
Otherwise I have no bright ideas i' m afraid ..just glad the site is here when I need it :like: :heart:
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 16:43
Hi @Moogie, I wish we could get to the menu as soon as we log in - where it says My Tracker, Forums etc across the top, rather than have to go through that page with the cartoons and the secret menu on the left if you know to tap that settings icon.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 19:17
barbarita wrote: Hi @Moogie, I wish we could get to the menu as soon as we log in - where it says My Tracker, Forums etc across the top, rather than have to go through that page with the cartoons and the secret menu on the left if you know to tap that settings icon.

You mean the yellow menu along the top? I guess you're looking on a mobile device?

Regarding posting photos, to change that we'd need to go to a much newer forum system, which will mean a lot of upheaval and possibly losing a few features. I'll look into it and discuss with the tech team how viable it would be at this point to transfer everything to a new forum.

As for the cartoon characters, they are going :) we do have something new on that front, but I think they'll be much more liked!

Finally, as to how me & the cats are... they're all fine, then kittens turn 2 next week! My health however has not been great. I'm still suffering ongoing CFS-like symptoms but am running out of things to be tested for. My doc seems loathe to diagnose CFS and has changed my meds to see if that helps. It was not the miracle I hoped it might be and I still do not feel right. Nevermind though, I keep on going and trust that eventually I'll feel somewhat more human!
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 20:35
Keep up the good work dear @Moogie fearless leader. Could it be easier to tag people? When I ran a challenge recently it was quite arduous all the tagging. Perhaps it could be predictive when you start typing the members name as it in on LunkedIn? And when you get a notification of a message via email about being tagged in a topic could the link take you straight to the forum comment rather than to your forum inbox where you then have to follow another link? Looking forward to continuing improvements. Keep up the good work! Jx
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 22:31
I feel for you Moogie and my heart goes out to you ...having suffered with CFS for twenty years i reallyhope you don't get that diagnosis. Fingers crossed they find its something a) easily treated and b) onceon treatment,you will soon be 100% well again x
Good to know Moogie's Moggies are well! :wink: amazed the kits are turning two,time flies! X
Re: FastDay Revamp!
07 Apr 2016, 22:34
I find it annoying to be randomly logged out.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 07:25
Moogie wrote:
barbarita wrote: Hi @Moogie, I wish we could get to the menu as soon as we log in - where it says My Tracker, Forums etc across the top, rather than have to go through that page with the cartoons and the secret menu on the left if you know to tap that settings icon.

You mean the yellow menu along the top? I guess you're looking on a mobile device?

Yes, I am using a Kindle Fire HD, and I have a yellow menu along the top, but I am not using "mobile view" because I hate it. Last time there was a big revamp I was forced into "mobile view" and I got some instructions as to how to get a more desktop experience - the sidebar with the Forum Menu on the left, full date and time stamps on threads, page numbering of threads etc.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 07:52
At the moment we're looking more at the designof the site than the functionality of the forum, as that is something which can't really be changed without using a totally different forum system - but I will look into our options.

So, of those who have posted is anyone volunteerting to join the revamp group and feedback on how things are looking? :)
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 10:39
Moogie wrote: At the moment we're looking more at the designof the site than the functionality of the forum, as that is something which can't really be changed without using a totally different forum system - but I will look into our options.

So, of those who have posted is anyone volunteerting to join the revamp group and feedback on how things are looking? :)

Yes, I'd be happy to be part of the revamp group.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 12:45
Yes, I would be pleased to be involved.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 18:44
Yes I'm in Moogie, always like to help and be a Guinea pig.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
08 Apr 2016, 22:56
I'm in.
I'm one of the orange haters, I'm afraid. However, it is an improvement over the yellow. I'd just like to see the orange minimized, not necessarily replaced.
Re: FastDay Revamp!
09 Apr 2016, 16:09
@merlin thanks fo saying that..i have always thought it was just me,and somehow my own fault!
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