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Well, we may not have a logo yet but after watching the documentary on BBC1 tonight about food poverty in the UK I decided there's no time like the present and we may as well start the appeal!

The Trussell Trust is the organisation behind the Food bank charities around the UK (and also, apparently, in Bulgaria!).

So, while we're choosing to go hungry a couple of times a week there are families out there who simply can't afford a decent meal. If you're choosing to omit a meal, why not let someone else enjoy it?

Swap those pounds of fat to pounds for food :)

Here's our JustGiving Page:

You can also donate via text using code DIET52 followed by the amount to 70070 eg:


Various members have asked about an option to donate directly to the forum to help fund the server costs etc, however since this is covered by the advertising I would much prefer that any such donations are made instead to a worthy cause as above :)
Thanks for setting this up Moogie :smile: I am so grateful for the support of this forum that I have wanted to make a donation to it and it is very generous of you to direct such offers to this charity. I watched the BBC documentary and it is sad to think that many people in the UK can't afford to eat well.

Is it possible to keep the JustGiving link in a prominent position on the forum home page?
Once we have a logo for the appeal I'll be making sure it's somewhere nice and prominent :)
Just had an email from the Trussell Trust thanking us for the generous donations so far and for choosing them as our charity :)
That's great Moogie. Good to have it up and running! :star:
What I don't understand is why there are so few people who have donated yet! :shock:

Surely everyone following this WOE must have saved some money which they could spare? :?:

It couldn't be easier - only takes a little while and a few pounds can make a huge difference to someone's life! Just click on Moogie's lovely logo on the left of the screen and follow the instructions. It's not difficult! :like:
Here in Australia I don't know of any food bank org. so my OH and I have started sponsoring two children in Uganda (a girl and a boy - one each) It is about an English pound a day (don't have the pound symbol on my computer, only dollar sign) $3 Australian, $90 a month. This is our contribution to lbs for pounds. Hopefully this will make their lives easier and give them hope for the future. We are So happy to be on this WoE and grateful to you Moogie for all your work and all other admin people too.

(Edit - just realised that my pounds to dollar conversion was way off :frown: , an Australian dollar is about 60p so would be more like 1.8 pounds or 54 pounds a month. Duh)
The Food Programme today is all about creative solutions to food poverty in the UK. If you're interested you'll find it here:
Judio, what a great idea! A lovely way to support others and such a good cause!

josie 50, Thanks for the link. I haven't had chance to watch it yet but I'm sure that it will be worth a look later.
Great idea Moogie, thanks! I like the different options, will make it easier to donate a bit from time to time.
Really chuffed to find this, I only became aware of the Trust a few months ago, but try and give as often as I can (food, that is). Now I'm on the 5:2 diet, I'll make sure I give a pound for every lb I lose too :-D
Just a little bump for this. Looks like people have had other things on their minds over the holiday period, and we've had a lot of fantastic newbies lately who may have not seen this before.

Come on folks, we're saving money on this diet, not only by not having to pay for expensive slimming clubs, but also by not having to buy as much food each week. If you're lucky enough to be in a position to donate, please do!

@Jemima thank you for bumping this one up. I was donating regularly but then I forgot so I will start again. I've definitely saved money with this WOE. :grin:
Yes thanks from me also,@Jemima. :smile: It had slipped off my memory shelf, too! (Doesn't take much nowadays! :frown: )

Off to donate right now! Come on, everyone - any more willing to contribute? :?:
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