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Well, no-one else has had a go at making a logo yet so I thought I'd give it a whirl... based on a couple of pieces of clipart which I've redrawn and tweaked/combined:


Feedback welcome, or by all means have a go yourself and post it up!
Now I'm thinking I should probably work some part of the forum logo into it somehow, strawberries instead of feet or something...
Actually, I think the feet are good. maybe if you add the strawberry and pizza top right? It looks great already :smile:
Looks good to me Moogie!
Thanks for doing this Moogie, it's a great idea. :star:

Just a small point... I use an iPad- I get an advert at the lower lefthand side, and the appeal is towards the top(ish) left so it may look like another advert to members who haven't seen the threads about it.
Thanks Golarne, I'll see about adjusting the look of it to make it clear it's not an ad!
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