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Forum updates
20 Jul 2013, 17:47
Sorry about that bit of downtime folks, I was busy installing some add-ons to the forum!

Unfortunately it's nothing really spectacular in terms of user experience, but it should help with getting us back up to the top spots on Google! The URLs used for the various topics etc here are now a lot more search-engine friendly, using lovely words instead of things like:

We now have things like:

Bit better eh?

Having all these descriptive words should help the ranking a bit :)

It hasn't updated the file names for all the existing topics - but I can manually do it for any really important ones.

This has been a lot of work and pretty scary to install so I hope everything is working properly still after the change. I have backups of everything from just before I installed this so if anything's bugged out or if this slows things down drastically (note - things may be a little slower over the next hour or so as the cached templates are re-generated while you browse) then we'll scrap the changes and go back to the old files.

Please shout if you notice anything odd or broken!
Re: Forum updates
21 Jul 2013, 13:03
Thank you Moogie for all your hard work here.
Re: Forum updates
22 Jul 2013, 06:47
My thanks also Moogie, this is a great forum to use and find things in. Very user-friendly. Have not noticed any slowness from your updates so all good.
Incidentally your photos are impressive!!!!
Re: Forum updates
22 Jul 2013, 07:26
Thanks Moogie, you are very clever and let's hope all of your "scary" hard work pays off.
Re: Forum updates
22 Jul 2013, 08:03
Thanks Moogie - didn't understand a word - was it in English lol
Internet is a bit like magic for me - haven't a clue how it works just glad it does!
But seriously thanks for all your hard work that keeps this great forum running smoothly :like:
Re: Forum updates
22 Jul 2013, 09:05
Scotty said it all for me, thank you,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Forum updates
22 Jul 2013, 13:28
Thank you - great forum. Think you must have a brain the size of a planet to do what you do!
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