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Profile signature tickers
25 Jul 2014, 12:50
Hi mods/admins and site techies,
I am just wondering if its possible to add tickers to profile signatures? I cant seem to use the MFP one here. Is it something I am/am not doing right? As I havent seen tickers on any profile here I am guessing that the site can manage tickers?
(I am reluctant to tag Moogie, as I'm sure she is busy enough and this can wait!)
Re: Profile signature tickers
25 Jul 2014, 14:23
Can you show me an example please? Not sure quite what you mean but I'd love to see!
Re: Profile signature tickers
25 Jul 2014, 19:20
Thanks for the reply @Moogie.
Tickers are a little image box on your forum signature that can count down almost anything: days till your holidays, pregnancy due date, weight loss, weight to go to goal, etc. I have used them on other forums and seen them on MFP. Here is a ticker factory site Once you have designed your ticker with your own preferences you get a bit of text with the image and url codes. This text is pasted into the forum sig of your choice and voilla, your ticker appears! They would automatically be updated to count down dates. If you are on MFP your weight loss/goals would be updated once you input new data into your MFP progress tracker.
Re: Profile signature tickers
29 Jul 2014, 15:28
Thanks lovely, just trying it now! I have a feeling I disabled images in signatures to keep things tidy and faster loading, but I'll have a look!
Re: Profile signature tickers
29 Jul 2014, 15:31
That is indeed the case, images are disabled in signatures to keep things tidy and quicker! Funny you should mention these things though... I've not heard of them as tickers before, but I knew the sort of thing when I saw it. I actually had something like this on my list of things it'd be nice if we could add to FD as an option for on your user profiles. But that's not me making any promises there, just something that would be nice if we have the time to develop it :)
Re: Profile signature tickers
10 Sep 2014, 20:05
Please could someone help me to change my signature/the writing under my message. I used to be able to do it, but since the website changed, I can't seem to find a way to do it!
Re: Profile signature tickers
10 Sep 2014, 20:12
Hi @maryannemcconnell,
If you click on "user control panel" towards to top of the page, then click the "profile" tab you should be able to see the "edit signature" option on the left.
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