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I thought it was my browser (Chrome) giving me username options when I log in. But maybe it's some settings in the site? For the second time, someone I PM'd is listed in the options for my username. The first time I thought maybe I typed her username by mistake. But I wouldn't make a mistake that ridiculous twice, so clearly it's not me...
Thanks for advice - this is certainly not a big deal, just kinda weird.
That would be annoying. Hopefully a techy will be along with a suggestion/fix.
Any username suggestions are made by your web browser (or sometimes a browser addon, such as RoboForm) and based around what you have previously typed into a field (presumably with the same field name) on the same site. Perhaps the PM to: field name is the same as the login field name, ie something like 'username', I can have a look at what the fields are called but without going through all the code of the forum with a fine tooth comb I won't be able to change the field names. You may be able to adjust things via your browser settings somehow?
Thanks, @Moogie. Probably not worth doing anything about it, as it's at most a minor annoyance. I should've guessed at the explanation of both fields being called "username" - it's an obvious string to be used in multiple situations.
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