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Returning from lapsed....
01 Apr 2015, 21:12
[not exactly a suggestion, but forum-related]
After 5:2ing for most of 2013, I somehow lapsed into more like 30:1, if that, until recently. I've just logged into Progress Tracker for the first time in ages, and of course it now thinks I've lost 0.1 lb/week on average. In other words, this messes up the statistics, but I didn't want to just make a mew identity and lose the history. But would that have been the best thing to do when re-starting?

Incidentally, despite not fasting much at all for well over a year, I'm still 12 pounds down from starting weight and only went back up to what had been an annoying plateau earlier. The changes in attitude to food which 5:2ing enabled, especially not eating when not hungry, have been long-lasting and remain quite strong (though not perfect!).
Re: Returning from lapsed....
01 Apr 2015, 21:29
Welcome back :like: @emm congratulations on your time out. What days are you planning to fast? I Mon/Thurs.
See you soon :clover:
Re: Returning from lapsed....
01 Apr 2015, 21:34
@Emm I have been 5:2ing for close to two years now. And I have lapsed and put a bit of weight on and then hopped on the bandwagon again for more weight loss several times. I have kept up with the tracker and am glad I did because it is a good indicator of my behaviors. At the end of the day since doing this program I have gone from 205lbs to 160 lbs and that is something I have never been able to do before. I think the tracker is a great personal tool and motivator. It matters not how others view it only how you use it. And by the way, welcome back.
Re: Returning from lapsed....
02 Apr 2015, 00:47
Welcome back, @emm! Good luck :clover: :clover:
Re: Returning from lapsed....
02 Apr 2015, 11:21
Welcome back! I'm glad you were able to keep much of the loss maintained :-)
Re: Returning from lapsed....
02 Apr 2015, 11:39
Welcome back [tag]emm/tag] although it sounds as though fasting has never really left you. Well done ;)
You could always join the Bean Challenge if you want a boost! :?:
Re: Returning from lapsed....
02 Apr 2015, 14:29
Still 12 lbs down isnt bad Emm x welcome back!
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