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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I thought I would start this thread In order to help me stick to a light (if not a fast) day.

I have had 3 days of eating what I will, with the main culprit being a whole loaf of the most exquisite multigrain bread covered in pumpkin and other seeds from a local bakery. Toasted with lashings of butter and marmalade, or just with butter and jam, or just butter. I couldn't get enough of it. I am paying the price today - definite (too much processed) carb flu (much as I don't like admitting it - not that the late night, interrupted sleep and overcast muggy weather is helping either).

I am at our beach bouse, with the purpose of cleaning the house before our summer tenants. Not feeling very motivated; at least we did get a bit done over the last 2 days when OH was here as well (he has gone home now as he has to go to work). Plenty for me still to do though.

I am just having a second cup of peppermint tea and then need to get down to it. Did have a cycle ride along the coast to the next little township - a nice change from riding up and down the hills at home.

Any other Tuesday fasters?
Well, I have made it to 6pm with just a hard boiled egg and raw carrot to get me through. I felt very hungry all morning, but the egg at 1pm really helped. And lots of black coffee. I have kept reasonably busy, got enough spring cleaning done. Wasn't feeling too bright late afternoon, went for a walk and although the cool change has arrived, I thought I would venture in for a swim, and I feel so much better for it. There is something about swimming in the sea - very refreshing and energizing. So I am having another black coffee, watching the umpteenth repeat of QI and might do a bit more cleaning before I have salmon, avocado and walnut salad (including lots of veg), followed by cottage cheese and berries, for dinner.

Anyone in the UK or US fasting today?
I am not in the UK or US, but I too am fasting. Fasting and suffering an almighty cold :curse: Yesterday I did not go to a Christmas party, because I was sick. But I ate all kinds of sweet things in the evening. 56.6 kg weight this morning :frown:
Today is 'Lucia' -day, which is a big thing here in dark Scandinavia. I mean that she brings LIGHT in her crown of live candles, at this time of the year when the darkness hours are long. In the summer it is the opposite, we have light in the middle of the night. It all comes from living nearer to the North Pole. :shock:
I also read in the Internet that you cannot lose any weight while fighting a cold...... :razz:
Well, I must look forward, when Christmas is here, when my cold is better, and when our son comes here for Christmas :lol: .
Well hello @Margotsylvia and @Sassy1! I love the sound of Lucia day - all those candles - very Christmassy!

Like both of you, I've bean a bit naughty lately. I went out for lunch yesterday which was extremely enjoyable - but included things like cream and pastry!!

Anyway, thought I'd actually do a 500 cal fast today (instead of my usual 800 cals or SW days). So far, so good. I've got a vegetarian Kiev with my name on it which I shall enjoy tonight at 6pm(ish) followed by a lovely bowl of Mornflake oat bran - possibly made up with water - I may see if I have enough cals left for milk as well!

And that's me - all set for a Tuesday fast! Is there nobody else around today?

Bean :heart:
HI again @Nursebean

I am writing this after the other post where I tagged you - now back inside after washing down the outside of the house around the front door where the carport is. That will be all I do outside, too much work without the proper tools (took 2 hours to do about 25sq.m.) but at least it should look clean for people entering the house.

How did your fast go? I ended up with about 800cal but I am okay with that for my fast days now.

I looked at your tracker info, and your current status looks good - and very trim waist for your height. How "concerned" are you about those last few pounds?

NB I think most of the recent posts were from you... (Re my comment in the other post)
and apologies @Margotsylvia for not including Europe in my list of places where fellow fasters live!

You seem to be doing fine with your weight management. :smile:
Hi Sassy @Sassy1! Well my fast was a great success yesterday. I ended up having about 550 cals and discovered I lost 3 pounds since yesterday - woohoo!!

I haven't adjusted my progress chart for a while so I'm not sure my waist is 28 at the moment! More like 30. I am determined to get to 9 stone - that has always bean my aim - but I feel good at the moment so I'll give myself the odd 'naughty days' on my travels to 9 stone!!

How's it going for you? Are you where you want to be?

@Margotsylvia? How did YOUR fast go yesterday?

Bean :heart:
You did well @Nursebean!

I think I inferred in my other reply to you - and certainly have mentioned this in other threads (eg the recent one from MaryAnn) - that I am okay with where I am weight wise. Sure, I would like to have a bit less around the tummy, hips and thighs, but I also don't want to eat less (I enjoy eating, it is one of life's pleasures) so it is a compromise. People view me as slim - not that that is important but it is a factor that helps me judge that I don't need to try to lose weight. All my biomarkers are good and I am pretty fit and generally healthy. I was getting pretty obsessive about small weight gains when I first was maintaining, and it has taken time, reflection and quite a bit of reading of a range of different weight management sites for me to arrive at my current philosophy and approach. I do get concerned (?) about the emphasis so many have on the numbers (eg weight and loss or gain) as opposed to whether they are eating nutritiously according to hunger.

But I won't go on about it any more - for now - I do need to get on with those chores!
Oh Sassy @Sassy1 you sound as though you are in the right place now. I agree wholeheartedly with you too. Food is such a pleasure isn't it. I think fasting is ideal because if we do have the odd 'overindulgence' (which can occur quite often - ahem!) then we can have a lovely fast day and feel much better for it.

I'm fasting again today in the hope of getting me back to my target range. I help out at my local Slimming World and love the social aspect of this - at the moment I'm in target and have to remain in target in order to attend free of charge!! :wink: I think its a healthy way of eating too (although I don't tend to eat many carbs these days - thanks to Candy @Candicemarie!

Hope you've enjoyed today. I guess it's night there now is it?

Bean :heart:
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