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Fasting today?

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fasting today, Monday, Sept. 25
25 Sep 2017, 11:21
Hello again! I am back from my lovely week end of eating!! About a kilo heavier than when I left home on Friday night. there was a kind of voluntary work session on Saturday morning. I was piling cut wood onto a woodpile. And then I stumbled on the uneven wood shed floor and fell flat on my sore right side into the saw dust. I now have a very sore little finger on my right hand and a fractured rib.. :frown: So now I am back to being very careful of my right side just as it was healing from my previous fall.. :doh: . but *Plodding on* is my motto. It sort of feels good to be fasting again. A bit more difficult not to eat as well.. :smile:
Oh dear oh dear @Margotsylvia, you have been in the wars of late! Wishing you a speedy recovery. You are amazing how you can fast no matter what. :clover: :smile:
I was fasting yesterday but very busy so had no time to post. The day went well but I was out in the evening and I did succumb to a small piece of buttered Lincolnshire tea loaf. However, the rest of the day had been good, so I am not counting it as a fail! Surely Margot Sylvia wasn't the only other person fasting - and with her injuries? Take care of yourself, @Margotsylvia, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thank you people for your kind words. I was 67.9 kg (again) this morning. But the weight is going down, so that is the main thing. Today is an eating day again. I managed to wash up the dishes this morning :smile: And I did go on to our morning constitutional (walk). :grin: :clover: :clover:
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