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The Foodies Corner

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So I use this with my coffees but unfortunately am drinking too much of it and it's full of carbs and sugar!
Any recommendations on what I can use instead that's not boring plain old milk?
Lil :heart:
Make your own and put in raw cocoa and stevia with skim milk? Not sure if you can get low fat soy milk as I can't stand the stuff, but I certainly love choccy milk and often add cocoa to make it more chocolately as in my opinion, too much chocolate is barely enough!!!
Good idea! I'll try that!
Have you tried almond milk? I think you can get sweetened and unsweetened?
Yes, a while ago. Unfortunately it was part of a 7 day juice diet and by the end I couldn't stomach the stuff and haven't tried it since so I should again!!
Hazelnut milk is very yummy. I use coconut milk sometimes too. (not the oil that I know some people like to wiz into their coffee) feel free to add cocoa to make either chocolatey. Hazelnut milk also comes in a chocolate-hazelnut version but watch our for added sugar/sweetener.
I quite enjoy chocolate tea with a splash of coconut creamer and Stevia.
I suggest unsweetened almond milk and 1/2 soy

Do agree that hot choc on almond milk is a winner
Thanks everyone.
I think I will try almond milk but sweetened and see how I go with that. It's still half the cals/carbs of the one I'm using at the moment so it's a good start.
The chocolate one is OK just for coffees but it's too much temptation! I keep having a sneaky glass before bed which is becoming a habit.
Lil :heart:
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