The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I have tried several times to cook with those so called skinny (shiratake) noodles, I just dont like them. But there are so many nice filling easy things to cook for 5:2 fast days, that could benefit from some kind of noodle bulking.

I was watching The Chew today ( a daily cooking/talk show in the USA) and they made a really nice looking dish, that did use some pasta, but bulked it with julienne cut zucchini. I went searching around and found this!

Needless to say I just ordered one from Amazon, and will have it tomorrow! Wooohooo Sunday Fast meal, Zoodles and ground turkey bolognese! Mmmm
Hi Dianehelen!

That looks very yummy :-) i love courgettes, or zucchinis lol! and pasta is a fav of mine too (italian parents lol)
Will give the reciepe a try!

Thank you!!

Angie :-)
Hi Angie

I'll be getting my 'tool' from Amazon tomorrow, I'll let ya know how it works out.

Im looking around now for a nice easy "meat sauce" recipe. I can just improvise too, just add a bit of cooked ground turkey, tomatoes, tomatoe paste, garlic and onions, should do it.
Yum yum!
Let us know how it turns out but it already sounds delicious to me :-)

Happy feast! :lol:

Added this to my cookery shopping trip tomorrow ! :like:
Angie, dont know where you live, or if you can order from Amazon,. but if you can, here is the link for it :)
Thank you so much!
I live in Deal, Kent England :-)

Thank you for this idea, I will order a julienne cutter from Amazon :smile:
There is quite a selection on UK Amazon also. :like:
Betsysgr8 you can have one at your door tomorrow ;-), as I will

Gotta love amazon

Does amazon ship to uk?
There is & also So providing we order from the UK site, we also can get delivery quickly (I am in the UK)!

Please report back when you use it :grin:
When ordering always click the forum shop link shop.php that way we help support this site. All the amazon links are there both UK and USA. :)
Just a warning, they aren't filling. Nothing like real pasta or slim noodles, they are pretty much like eating boiled courgettes.
On the other hand, they are fab! I've done courgette tagliatelle with mint and garlic and parmesan cheese and they were oh sooo goooood!!!
Betsy, that shoping area does not let me search for anything other than the 3 pre coded categories in the drop down
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