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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Ah, but you can wait for them to grow up, which is what I recommend you do. I managed to not kill any of mine, and now they are all lovely 20-somethings. It's quite amazing actually. Especially the boy.
Baked sweet potato, zero noodles, lentils
rawkaren wrote: Baked sweet potato, zero noodles, lentils

Yum! We had my red lentil, turkey sausage and carrot soup for dinner. I love sweet potatoes (though they are carbs - just less so than white potatoes, I think).

But I have yet to try zero noodles. Not even quite sure what they are, or whether I can get them in these parts...
Yes you are right. There is no real difference in carbs between the two I don't think. Here is the thread on zero noodles. You either love them or hate them. I'm lucky I love them and they fill me up on a fast day 5-2-diet-recipes-f5/topic1262.html
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