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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Ach, I know that visual presentation is important but I'm far too slapdash. I must improve this aspect of my food preparation. (I blame this approach on having cooked since I was 5 yrs old, and I mean family meals, not fairy cakes - I always thought that people should be happy that it was all ready at the same time and the appropriate temperature...)

But, without letting the food get to the wrong temperature, or fiddling about with tweezers, I genuinely need to improve my plating and presentation and this is a timely reminder.
I love my daily salads to look nice and pretty before I even lift my knife and fork as I believe most of us eat with our eyes :like:
If it looks awful I won't even try or taste. :clover:
Useful science addict. Lol

Mmm I love avocado. Must get some in. :heart:
Hahaa I thought this was going to include some interesting recipes. This salad is no different to my usual one but instead of the tomato pattern I use slices of cucumber around the edge of the plate, sometimes thin mushroom slices instead or as well as the avocado, houmous instead of mayonnaise etc.etc. It always tastes of .....'salad' though. :grin:
I'm afraid I am also guilty of just "throwing it on the plate" as my husband puts it!

Must try harder!
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