The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Hi all, I'm looking to experiment with different grains and pulses, for fast days and feast days alike. I don't tolerate wheat terribly well and wheat substitute breads are huge in calories. I do use the different pastas available but I'm getting bored of them and rice (and I don't like cold pasta for salads). I need variety.

Any suggestions welcomed
I make 3 different lentils recipes.

One is a soup with regular lentils. I add onion, garlic, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, thyme, bay leaf, salt, pepper, oil, basil and I serve it with a splash of balsamic vinegar.

The second is with red lentils. I use them to make a puree with just salt and pepper and then I serve them with sausages cooked with red and green peppers, tomatoes, thyme and red wine.

The third one is with beluga lentils. I boil them, strain them and cool them. Then add olive oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme, diced tomatoes and either onions and feta cheese or spring onions and smoked salmon.
My fave lentil recipe ever is this one: ... entil-dahl

I make it all the time, sometimes as a soup with a bit more liquid, or I add coconut milk at the end when I'm feeling decadent.

Some recipes I use with lentils + quinoa: ... co-filling ... -salad.php ... atties.php
Ahh lentil bolognaise is lovely. finely diced onion, grated carrot, grated courgette, a pepper if you have one, celery if you like, a tin of tomatoes, herbs of your choice and a big handful of red lentils. Add some water and simmer until everything is cooked and season. It's great on pasta, lovely on a jacket potato with cheese on top. So easy and really yummy!
Oh, have I got a recipe for you. Will try to remember to post it tomorrow. It is for Quinoa muffins, no flour is used, and people are just shocked at how good they are and good for you. I make them every year for our health fair at work.
Quinoa, roast veg and feta salad: ... vegetables

I have added cherry tomatoes. It was absolutely delicious!
I take this to mean that both quinoa and lentils are ok on a fast day? Sorry if dumb question but new to this!
gaynbylosing wrote: I take this to mean that both quinoa and lentils are ok on a fast day? Sorry if dumb question but new to this!

I wouldn't have them on a fast day...too high in carbs for me.
Carorees, You look so different in your two pics shown here. (A bit like Kate Humble, and so much younger - We'll done!)
A true inspiration for us fellow 5:2 ers!
Back to lentils etc, I will try some of the recipes listed here, they sound delicious.
Well I have been making a lentil curry variation for years. I used to sell it in my cafe 20 years ago and would make it whilst customers were roaming the antique market and would smell it and be queued. Onion fried in olive oil, add curry paste (whatever u fancy) add lentils, coat with paste then add can of coconut cream (def not a fast day recipe) and some water to cover lentils - cook for about 30 mins, then add veg, carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, basically whatever u like, cook till veg/lentils soft - add salt to taste. If u fancy it you can turn it into vegie shepherds pie - put in pie dish, add mashed potato to top and grate some cheese over, grill till crispy golden - yum! I often make a large pot of this and freeze so I have healthy back up food when busy.
Thelovelysqueaky absolutely agree @caroeese wow wow wow don't you look fabulous

green Lentils are wonderful if you just boil 1/2 cup with a fresh bay leaf and water until cooked and strain remove bay and add with chopped 1/2 leek, 1/2 squeezed juice of a lemon, grate a clove of garlie, 1/2 cup of veggie stock and salt & pepper, finally fresh herbs mix the lot into a small baking dish cover in foil and bake 1/2 hour to cook leek.
Uncover Then Add creamy little dollops of goats cheese over top and grill to create golden brown cheese and leek bits. Very low calorie, very chewy and tasty dish. Nice way to end a fast day and very filling.
I love Quinoa porridge, make it with water then top with Greek yoghurt, nuts, stevia and a few dried cranberries, great hot in winter and cold in summer!
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