I think it's time I took a bit of a break from the Progress Tracker development, it does just about everything I planned for it to do and more besides.
So, I've been looking for recipe systems I could add to the forum and decided I didn't like any of them really. Time to create my own!
Just looking for a few thoughts on what people would like to see in terms of the form to fill in when submitting a recipe and how you'd like to be able to search for them?
For example, these are my initial thoughts:
Adding recipes:
Searching Recipes:
Viewing recipes:
Maybe I'll include the ability for people to add 'favourite' recipes to make it easier to find the ones you like over and over again?
Any of these things sound like they're not really needed? Anything glaringly obvious or useful which I've not considered?
All feedback welcome! I hope to start development this weekend
So, I've been looking for recipe systems I could add to the forum and decided I didn't like any of them really. Time to create my own!
Just looking for a few thoughts on what people would like to see in terms of the form to fill in when submitting a recipe and how you'd like to be able to search for them?
For example, these are my initial thoughts:
Adding recipes:
- Recipe name
- Calories per serving (probably also how many servings it makes)
- Ingredients list with weights & optional itemised calories, including a link to online calorie tools for quick checking
- Specify if safe for veggies or vegans, if it contains nuts, wheat etc (any suggestions for these?)
- Specify key ingredient, eg beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, vegetables (any others folks might want to search by?)
- Include cooking method
- Include additional nutrition information
- Approx Cooking/prep time?
- Ability to include a photo or series of photos?
- Ability to include website links, eg for specialised products (such as zero noodles) or for a source website
- Specify cuisine ethnicity (eg Asian, Indian, European... further suggestions please? I'm no good at classifying foods!)
- Specify meal type, eg breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, drink, snack (will be able to select multiple options, eg if it's suitable as a lunch or dinner etc)
- Ability to select related recipes which will be automatically linked to it.
Searching Recipes:
- Search within name
- Search by calorie range
- Search by cuisine ethnicity
- Search by meal type
- Search by veggie/vegan/wheat/nuts etc
- Search by key ingredient
- Search by author
Viewing recipes:
- Nice layout to display all info clearly along with photos if provided.
- Units of measurement as specified in recipe can be displayed in metric & imperial, converted on the fly
- Possibly ability to add comments (with photos of own version?) or rate the recipe?
- Original author able to edit recipe, and mods/admin able to edit/delete.
- Simple printable view available
- Links to online calorie counters/checkers
Maybe I'll include the ability for people to add 'favourite' recipes to make it easier to find the ones you like over and over again?
Any of these things sound like they're not really needed? Anything glaringly obvious or useful which I've not considered?
All feedback welcome! I hope to start development this weekend