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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I'm doing 5:2 with my husband and we're both doing well on it. However as a family we have a rule about always eating the evening meal together. Whilst I am a very keen cook, I cannot face cooking two separate meals on an evening at the best of times and certainly not on a Fast day.

We eat at around 5:30/6:00pm as the children are both young but I think this method could be adapted and work whatever the mix of people at the table. So I thought I'd start a thread for ideas on how this might work.

We're a big fan of Asian cooking and as they are generally meals that are high in veg and lower in fat I've found these the easiest to adapt so far.

So typically on a Monday we have my version of ramen, but both me and hubby skip the noodles. I use homemade Asian stock, add in some protein (chicken, fish, prawns, squid, skinned duck breast and then tons of veggies). I use a smear of miso paste at the bottom of each soup bowl and dilute it with a bit of stock (never put boiling stock directly onto miso paste, it destroys a lot of the nutritional benefits). I cook the noodles for the kids seperately and pop into their bowls and then dish the soup on top.

On Thursdays we will have a stir fry - cooked in a non-stick pan, and basically using a similar protein/veg mix as above. Garlic, ginger and spring onions and a splash of soy for seasoning, and the kids have some rice with it.

We both like a bit of heat and spice, which the children aren't as keen on yet, and so at the end I might add in some fresh chillies, chilli flakes or even better some Japanese Togarashi seasoning at the table which has a real kick to it (available from Waitrose/Ocado)

So basically we having the same meal every Monday and Thursday, but the reality is that it's different each time as the choice of protein and the mix of vegetables really varies. Even if I've not managed to get to the shops for fresh veg, I've always got tins of bamboo shoots and water chestnuts in - only 18cal per 100g.

Both these meals are really filling. Soup has that satiety effect so Mondays are especially effective.

If the warmer weather ever arrives, then we aren't going to want ramen, so I'm going to be looking for big salads, whch the children can have with a hunk of bread.
I have the same issue - trying to juggle my husband and I fasting (he's starting tomorrow) with eating at the same time as our two young children (aged 7 and almost 10).

For the first two weeks on fast days I cooked dinner for my children at the normal time and then my husband and I had dinner later (he was happy to eat the same evening meal as me but wasn't fasting the rest of the day at the time), but it really is a pain.

I have recipe books from my WW days and I bought the Hairy Dieters book to help solve this problem. My intention now is to either cook something from the low cal recipes in the books that we can all eat or have something like your Thursday stir fry where husband and I can just have the protein and veg and the kids can have noodles or rice too.

It's taking a little bit of adjusting but we're getting there! :smile:
We can't wait to eat late as both of us are pretty hungry by 5:30 so the idea of the kids eating whilst we couldn't would be really hard. My fast day calories are now mainly in the evening meal, with only a splash of milk in my coffee during the day. I gave up eating breakfast on fast days a few weeks ago as I found it made it harder for me to cope in the afternoon. No way could I wait until after the kids were in bed before I ate.
We had leftover roast pork on Monday night, with various veg, and baked beans, and I added mashed potatoes for the boys. Came in at 400 Cals for me (I'd had an egg earlier after the gym)
I use the same principles...non-fasters eat the same but with added carbs. We do the stir-fry thing but also do baked fish/chicken with oven roasted veggies. Sometimes we have spaghetti Bolognese and I have courgette spaghetti (strips of courgette microwaved for couple of minutes) instead of pasta.
So a courgette is a zucchini. Cutting it in strips and using it like spaghetti is a great idea!
See you are great Mums, and I am rubbish.

When we fast the kids get pizza and chips or some other some such nutritional wilderness Tea! (My OH works longs days when we fast, so it's just me at home)

They love fasting days as no Veg.

I suppose it balances out as they are now eating the Hairy Bikers stuff on feed days!
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