The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

19 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: Vegetarian recipes
29 May 2013, 13:16
Thanks Dhana, so pleased you like them. Just got back from sevilla and i'm full of inspiration so watch this space for more : )

And thanks for the heads up on the temparatures Tompan, I'll be sure to include conversions from now on!
Re: Vegetarian recipes
05 Jan 2014, 11:26
Jac, at tinned tomatoes has a good pinboard of veggie recipes for the 5:2 diet, including a lot of her own and some of mine
Re: Vegetarian recipes
19 Jan 2014, 17:31
Ah! This is a good source of inspiration :) I'm not a vegetarian, but a student, so while I'd love to base my fast days around a big lump of protein like chicken breast or fish, I'd quickly go broke on that system! I tend to defrost one item of meat from my stockpile a week and make it last for 2 dinners, so I'd rather save those for a feast day. Unfortunately I tend to fall short on some of the fancier items on the ingredients list of a lot of veggie recipes too (I don't have room in my cupboard for polenta and quinoa and 5 types of vinegar), but I'm sure there'll be some thrifty inspiration in these links too :) Thanks, folks!
Re: Vegetarian recipes
19 Jan 2014, 18:27
Just in case the OP is still lurking: ... lia+brooks

and you could do worse than have a snoop at my thread - link in signature!
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