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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I don't drink alcohol, don't smoke and I'm no longer obese but my one vice is that I do like diet fizzy drinks. I've no plans to give them up either - afer all you have to die of something lol!
Ham cooked in full fat coke is good stuff, what's even better is the soup you can make from the left over stock with black beans, absolute dynamite. If Monsieur bibendum had tasted my last batch he would have awarded me 4 stars.
I have been a Diet drink addict since I was a teenager. I drink Coke Zero in Japan because I can't get Diet Coke. I'm really trying to cut down, and am proud that I have it down to one a day! I like the fizz, so I'm trying to switch to plain fizzy water (with a twist of lemon/lime/shikwasa (Okinawan lime).

I made a list the other day of all the things I eat regularly. I put them in 3 categories: unprocessed (like vegetables), lightly processed (like meat), and heavily processed (packaged food in general, sausages, etc.). There were very few things on the latter two lists (I don't eat much meat and I've been trying for awhile to cut out processed foods as much as possible), but by far the biggest item for me was Coke Zero. I think the health risks are over blown by some, but it's certainly not good for me. I will give it up. eventually...
Not tried coke zero but have to say the regular japanese coke is a nicer drink than its uk equivalent. Goes down a treat on a hot day post exercise...
dominic wrote: Well some people take the view that you should eat natural and that anything that has come from a factory is bad for you. I dunno, but I think that are a lot more important things to worry about than the evils of Diet Coke. If it works for you and helps you get through a fast day, I wouldn't worry about having it. I'm not sure who Andrew Wakefield is, but I think PhilT is a pretty reliable source. :wink:

Thank you Dominic. 100% agree.
i think there are more wors things in the world . I don't drink and I don't smoke. 2 cans of diet coke per week won't kill me
TML13 wrote: Yes but what isn't nowadays?

I've only tried it with beef so far but now that you mentioned it... I just HAVE to try it!!!

BTW, regular coke helped us a lot to get my grandmother back to her feet after a long visit to the hospital. It was actually recommended by her doctor, something to do with the sugar and caffeine and balancing the electrolytes.

You were serious about using Coke to marinate the beef? :bugeyes: Gee I am glad I'm a vegetarian and eat macro!
wildmissus wrote: I like the flavour of Diet Coke (not Diet Pepsi), I don't like the fact it contains artificial sweeteners. I have one probably every two weeks or so. Everything in moderation?

I'm exactly the same!

Also, I can't bear 'real' coke, it's too sickly for me.
tompan wrote:
TML13 wrote: Yes but what isn't nowadays?

I've only tried it with beef so far but now that you mentioned it... I just HAVE to try it!!!

BTW, regular coke helped us a lot to get my grandmother back to her feet after a long visit to the hospital. It was actually recommended by her doctor, something to do with the sugar and caffeine and balancing the electrolytes.

You were serious about using Coke to marinate the beef? :bugeyes: Gee I am glad I'm a vegetarian and eat macro!

I didn't marinate it, I cooked it in coke. Like we cook chicken in ale.
What I do with Coke (the sugar one not the diet version), is I grab all my cutlery and put it in a big metal mixing bowl and cover it with Coke and leave it to soak for at least 24 hours. After a day I wash my cutlery and mixing bowl to find that I have shiney, sparkling cutlery and mixing bowl.

Best metal cleaner ever. I don't drink it b/c if that is what it does to metal I can't begin to imagine what it does to my insides.
I don't drink it b/c if that is what it does to metal I can't begin to imagine what it does to my insides.

Same as the gut acids that are there already. They would also clean your cutlery.
PhilT wrote:
I don't drink it b/c if that is what it does to metal I can't begin to imagine what it does to my insides.

Same as the gut acids that are there already. They would also clean your cutlery.

I love it, it fills me up, tastes great especially out of the fridge, but it really makes me crave sugar! I am at this moment drinking my last mini can and vow not to buy any more! Fizzy water with lemon and lime slices here we come!
To my knowledge, fizzy drinks help us digest food. That's why I avoid them like the plague on fasting days or when I haven't eaten. If I drink any type of soda with an empty or half-empty stomach, I get hungry in seconds!

There is a reason why we crave sugar after anything "diet". Their sweet taste prepares our body to digest sugar and when sugar doesn't show up... well, it's asking for it!!!
Fizzy water is just wrong water is not meant to fizz. Actually if you are trying to be environmentally friendly then in most of the developed world bottled water is wrong too.
But there is spring water that comes out fizzy, how can it be wrong?
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