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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

17 posts Page 1 of 2
I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 20:54
I am going to start this diet next week but unsure what I can really cram in on fast days. I need a diet plan for these days that is realistic and doesn't consist of cooking for hours as I'd rather do this on non fast days.
Look forward to you advice

Sam :oops:
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 21:02
Hello Sammydodger, O.K. so you need do I. You have not given any info except I think you are female. If you live in U.K. and don't want o work out your kcals foodwise then M & S have good ranges. Fuller longer.. etc
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 21:37
Hiya Sammydodger - I am 10 fasts in now and I limit myself to a ready prepared calorie counted meal in the evening - just for convienience sake and to make it easier on myself.... I hope to start doing my own recipes eventually but for the time being I am sticking to M&S fuller for longer ready meals with lots of salad ..... There are plenty of books out there - the new Fast diet book by Mimi Spencer is about to be published and if you google 5:2 you will find loads ....someone also mentioned Good Food site as the recipes on there are all calorie counted, also my fitness pal can help you keep track of calories and also let you know how many something contains.... but to make life easy for the beginning I'd go with ready meals ....My typical fast day is 100ml of milk - 42 calories (as I can't stand tea without), cup of Bovril when hungry around 1 or 2 pm and then a calorie counted ready meal of around 300 and something with salad in the evening. Good luck - the fast days get easier as you go along, and you tend to keep more of an eye on what you are eating on the non fast days because you know what it is like to be truly hungry .... Good luck
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 22:15
For breakfast half a grapefruit + a boiled egg or a portion of Alpen porridge. Main meal = M&S Count on us meals.
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 22:28
I'm trying to stay away from processed food so I'm making my own meals. Stir fries are great and fast. You could get pre-chopped veggies to save time. I stir fry in a small sauce pan so I get away with a teaspoon of oil. I weigh ingredients on kitchen scales, but now it's not really necessary with vegetables. They're really low cal. The Mexican pizza recipe from the fast diet book is also very good, and fast. I also have sashimi on fast days sometimes. It doesn't get any faster and easier than that!
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 22:35
For dinner I usually put a bunch of veggies and a fish fillet on a piece of foil, close it up like a pouch and bake it for about 30 minutes. You can add what ever seasonings and spices you want. Easy to prepare as I usually use pre-cut or frozen veggies and the fish is generally flash frozen as well. I just put them in the pouch frozen. You could do the same with a piece of chicken but I prefer fish myself. Easy clean up too!
Re: I'm a newby and need help
02 May 2013, 22:36
I've only been on it 2 weeks and am finding it easier than I thought. For breakfast I have instant porridge with water and some fresh or frozen berries added. Lunch can be an instant Miso soup and dinner has been either an egg dish with veggies or soup or a dish incorporating those amazing noodles made from the vegetable Konjac. It has high nutrition and fibre and very low carbs. In Australia it's sold as Slim Pasta. It has about 6 to 12 calories a serve PLUS whatever your add to it. In Asian stores its sold as Shirataki noodles. I drink water , tea, and a diet soda as a treat.
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 06:26
Wow thank you all so much!
I think I will struggle as love my food and always have 3 meals a day and very much a sweet tooth but suppose I have 5 days of that :)
Think I will start off with ready meals until I get used to it. Also holland & barratt do slim soup so think ill give that a try.
I'm weirdly looking forward to it :)
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 06:50
I am having three meals. Breakfast and lunch I take to work so have the chopped and packaged. Had trouble the one day I tried at home. For those days I am going to package up my days worth. Dinner is always a surprise be it feast or fast.
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 06:58
Thank you Sammy for letting us know where you are in the world! Maybe later you can consider posting your stats? If you decide not to do fill in the progress tracker for your own use - it's a great way to see your decline! :smile:
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 07:00
I have updated my profile and filled out progress tracker. I luckily don't have a lot to lose but I'm at my heaviest and not liking it at all. If I can just lose a stone and tone up ill be happy!!!
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 07:31
Fasted yesterday menu as follows. Lots of tea and water am. Lunch weight watchers tom soup76 cals. Ski strab mousse 79 cals low cal jelly 9 cals. More tea and water then dinner 2 fish steaks in parsley sauce 204 cals cauliflower and broccoli mix ,green beans 78 cals 100g strawbs 28 cals and another low cal jelly .total for the day 484. A few hunger pangs mid day but on the whole very satisfying for a fast day. Will wait and see what the scales thought! :cool:
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 19:47
Thank you Sandra!
Seems like quite a bit for the calories, sounds good to me!!!!
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 19:58
Hairy Dieters Cookbook has been a godsend to me! Loads of really tasty meals under 500 cals. Also useful if you are feeding others as they don"t know/ realise that the meal is calorie counted as they taste real good! :smile: My OH has lost weight without realising it!
Re: I'm a newby and need help
03 May 2013, 20:13
I started on Monday and really didn't want to have to think about food or calories this week at all so bought 3 M&S Fuller Longer meals (between 325-425 cals mostly). I save all my cals till the evening on my fast days and may have the odd cup of Bovril just for a bit of taste during the day and an apple in the evening. Now that I've got the first week under my belt and have found it relatively easy I'm looking forward to giving some of the recipes ago from the new Fast Diet cookbook. Good luck.
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