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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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After managing to exorcise the yeast demon I made this. The recipe has been requested by Marvellous May-ers so here goes.
It is very much adapted form this site ... bread.html
basically the first one I came to from a search...

sachet of yeast( about 2 teaspoons)
10 fl.oz / 1 cup of hand hot water (my hand hot is very hot so it's about half boiling half cold)
desert spoon sugar - I used brown as that's what came out the cupboard first

Dissolve the yeast in the water with the sugar and set aside in a warm, draftless place to go frothy.

Potatoes- recipe says 3 and gives the make. I had 2 and a half sitting in the fridge, eft over from making 'crisps'. No idea what make. And they had the skins on. It worked fine.
Mash with 2 tablespoons/ 30ml?1 fl.oz olive oil

3 cups/1lb /450g all purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
herbs- I had fresh rosemary in the fridge that had become dried rosemary and used about 3 stalks of it. I like rosemary!

I use a food processor to make bread so
I used a metal blade, smashed the potatoes, chucked in the rosemary and blended it.
Changed to a kneading / plastic blade and added the flour.
Mix well together then add the activated yeast.
Knead/blend until it forms a dough then keep kneading until it's smooth and shiny - about 4 Linkin Park songs.

Put some olive oil into a bowl and put in the dough, rolling it about in the wee bit of oil. Cover (mine has a lid, but a damp tea towel works) and put somewhere warm and out of a draught to prove. (I stick mine outside) It takes about an hour to double in size

Tip it out of the bowl onto a lightly floured surface and bash the air out of it.
Shape by forming a flattish rectangle then roll up like a Swiss roll.
This is where it becomes a faff in the original and I ignored it.
Set on a baking tray, seam side down, covered for 30 - 40 mins
Preheat oven (I don't as mine goes to 'furnace' immediately) to 200C/Gas 8ish/400F
Bake on a high shelf for 30-40 mins depending on how enthusiatic the oven is and how crusty/high bake you like it.

When it's ready the loaf will sound 'hollow' when you knock it set on a tray to cool. I cover mine to keep temptation away and it makes the crust the way I like it.
YOu really need to cool this loaf for 30 mins or else it compresses when you cut it.
Best served warm with lovely butter.
I had mine with Gouda with cumin
and then more with butter...
it was a feed day and I fair enjoyed it!
Hope you do too.
The original recipe is written much better and more straightforward :bugeyes:
Thanks Janeg,

Really looks yummie. I still have some left from a bread with cheese and black pepper I made two days ago, but I'll certainly give this one a try.

Calorie count analysis says 2376 cals for the whole loaf (1147g) so divide by however many slices you think you'd get out of it!

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1147 g
Amount Per Serving
Calories 2,376
Calories from Fat 304

Total Fat 33.8g
Saturated Fat 5.0g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 4702mg
Total Carbohydrates 454.9g
Dietary Fiber 29.0g
Sugars 17.0g
Protein 59.9g
Vitamin A 1% • Vitamin C 210%
Calcium 13% • Iron 141%

Nutrition Grade B+
Nutritional Analysis
Good points
Low in saturated fat
No cholesterol
Low in sugar
High in selenium
High in thiamin
thanks Caroline- I've edited the title to show where the calorie count is (with my eyes shut!)
How many slices/servings do you think it gives?
Well, my loaf was very 'organic' snail shell looking so about 12, with the envy bits being much much smaller than the middle. I'll maybe do it agin in a tin and count the slices.
made it again in a tin and it gave 12 generous slices all nearly the same size
and it was good
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