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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Trader Joe's ham and onion tart
22 May 2013, 22:22
I just had a really lovely summer meal!

In the US we have a store called Trader Joe's. In the freezer section, there is a French tart that looks like a frozen pizza. Its topped with caramelized onions, ham, gruyere and creme fraiche (all sparingly). There are 4 servings at 140 calories per serving. It cooks in 8-10 minutes at 450 and it's delish! I always make it on a pizza stone, btw.

So I set up a salad bar by the kitchen scale and put a big bowl on the scale. We had shredded carrots, red onion, tomato, cucumber, red bell pepper, low fat feta cheese and low-calorie balsamic vinaigrette.

I made myself a lovely 180 calorie salad using lots of good things, including 2 oz of the lowfat feta. And I had a slice and a half of the tart. I'm stuffed for 390 calories!

Hubby and I agreed we'd like this again on hot evenings.
Tart was excellent, and salad was HUGE! Crazy how much fresh vegetables you get for so few calories. :-)

Perfect hot summer day fasting meal!
Can't wait until they open our new Trader Joes here.
Thank you Tracieknits. I will look for this tart next time I will go to Trader Joe. I really love this store.
So until you posted this, I had no idea there was a Trader Joe's in Albany--will have to check it out next time we're around there (still 2 1/2 hours from where we are in VT, but closer than Boston).
Yes, Izzy - he's my husband :-)

MCC it's in Colonie, about a block north of the mall, on Wolf Road. It opened last August. We love it!
It sounds delicious. My favourite supper is a my homemade quiche lorraine and salad but I think my version is probably higher in calories than Trader Joe's!
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