I've never really eaten ready meals but have been wondering if they're the answer to fast days. Whereas over the years we've adapted our eating patterns so that as a rule we sit down to eat together in the evenings, it's harder on fast days. Basically my mister and me have different eating patterns which become more apparent on fast days - I struggle to skip breakfast and lunch and prefer to eat early in the evening then have an early night. He is the complete opposite - has never really eaten breakfast and finds it easy to skip lunch when he's busy. But he eats much more than me in the evening and has a supper habit - supper as in northern and working class not supper as in 'what I call' dinner. I thought an individual calorie counted ready meal would mean we could each choose when to eat rather than compromising. So, any suggestions for tasty, good quality ready meals where the calorie value is in the 300-400 range? Is there such a thing?
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The M&S feel fuller longer could be what you are looking for.
I guess you need to try before you know if they are the quality you are after.
I think they are yummy, but then again when you haven't eaten all day, most things taste pretty good
I guess you need to try before you know if they are the quality you are after.
I think they are yummy, but then again when you haven't eaten all day, most things taste pretty good

True dat, Dancersmum!

I'm not that big on ready meals usually but oddly enough I've found that I quite like John West's "tuna light lunch" range which are in the 200-300 calorie range and have really long dates so you can just leave them in the cupboard for emergencies...

The nice thing about ready meals is the portion control and that you *know* what the calories are. So I have been packing them up for my husband to take to work with him, and may decide to use a few myself. I think hubby really likes knowing he has 280 calories in his lunch sack and that there is no further thought required.

Thanks Funny Uncle. And yes, Tracieknits, it's exactly that that appeals!

I tend to buy weight watchers meals but will try M&S ones on the weekend.

I have also been using weight wathchers ready meals

Yes M&S look good, Count on Us and Fuller Longer - I was looking at them this afternoon.
I always think the spicy/ curry ready meals are best usually.
Would have to try them. Let us know, anyone who has a good tip!
I always think the spicy/ curry ready meals are best usually.
Would have to try them. Let us know, anyone who has a good tip!

I have just eaten Asian style cod with noodles from M&S count on us meals. Was delicious and only 215 cals! I have also decided to go down the ready meal route on fast days as it is a lot of effort to cook and work out calorie content. Even though I love cooking I look forward to not much effort and washing up on fast days. The kids know they can have something "easy" out of the freezer on these days while mum and dad are "being good". We enjoy home cooked meals the rest of the week. I have also tried their chicken and veg chow mein at 285 cals and country veg soup at 90 cals. I also eat no sugar jellies at 10cals on fast days.

That sounds like a good idea Helenapp. It's good to make it as easy as possible.
I like cooking too but plenty of other opportunities.
Those calories per meal are really low, aren't they?
I like cooking too but plenty of other opportunities.
Those calories per meal are really low, aren't they?

I use M&S fuller for longer and count on us meals for my fast days.
Happy to eat salad in the warmer months but for now cod balti suits me fine:)
Happy to eat salad in the warmer months but for now cod balti suits me fine:)

I love the M&S meals they are tasty and portions are a good size. I save all my cals for one evening meal of 400 and the Chicken PirPir is great but very spicy so watch if not your thing. Husband likes the Chilli with rice I have the fish in sauce for tomorrow.

Just saw Innocent Veg pots in the supermarket. The Dahl one is nice and only 319 cals so worth a go if you like that sort of thing! I'm not sure I like the other varieties but other people might?

I popped into COOK, the frozen food shop, and discovered that they have a range of ready meals all under 400 cals. I've treated myself to a King Prawn Miso Broth (with noodles) @ 172 cals, and Thai-style Chicken Patties in an Aromatic Broth @ 230 cals. Haven't tried them yet but I hope they're good!
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