Cook - good idea! More easy meals!
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Definately the marks "feel fuller" range. They are real food, with real ingredients, and well balanced.

The only trouble I have with the M&S ready meals is that they often contain mashed potato or rice and I would rather not have any carbs on fast days. (Plus carbs are so cheap and the meals so expensive I have a vague impression of paying rather a lot for what you get, but I'm just stingy!)
I like the look of the Cook range...they sell them in our local farm shop so I was thinking of getting a few when I've made some space in the freezer!
I like the look of the Cook range...they sell them in our local farm shop so I was thinking of getting a few when I've made some space in the freezer!

I've tried Asda chosen by you reduced calorie ready meals which are less than 400 calories and taste good.

I'm having Waitrose Love Life You Count Chicken Korma tomorrow, but like Carorees I begrudge paying for rice, when I'd rather have curry and veg. I will definitely get organised to make meals and freeze them in one day portions soon, as I'm not happy eating ready meals, despite the convenience and them being cal-counted.

I just had a Fuller For Longer ready meal and was starving after an hour. Grr.
Back to proper (low carb) food for me on fast days.
Back to proper (low carb) food for me on fast days.

I had to smile when I re read these posts.In view of the horse meat scandal and the fact that we cannot be sure of anything which is in our food just because it tells you on the box. Have any of you decided to ditch the ready meals ?

I'd never eat them anyway, even before the horse malarky...And I dont eat meat!

I invariably eat Youngs Admiral Pie for dinner on my fast days, it comes in at 330 cals and is enough for me with some chili sauce.

~LynnO~ wrote: I'd never eat them anyway, even before the horse malarky...And I dont eat meat!
Lynno, well you had the last laugh then.
Personally I am a big meat eater and I am careful where it comes from so I too have never (well, not for many years ) partook in ready meal eating.
I dont know wether any of you saw 'Food and Drink' last night where they were discussing what unpronounceable stuff goes into our sliced bread but it made me think of the motto of a poster on another site I read.It says.'if i cant pronounce it i wont eat it'!
Back to the horsemeat thing ,culturally we dont eat it.It is eaten in many other countries.I think the main problem is the traceabiltiy.
Horses by EU directive have to have passports, any veterinary treatment has to be logged on the passport. As usual we (government/ DEFRA ) embraced and enforced this directive as if issued for 'above'.How many other countries did ? makes you wonder dosnt it ?

Sainsbury's "My Goodness" Roast chicken dinner - 300 cal. Chicken breast with boiled potato, carrots, broccoli & gravy; just enough.

Have taken to eating quorn replacements on fast days....I.e. kids having chicken, I will have a quorn chicken breast.......same for sausages, meatballs.....just another option....

Along side looking into 5:2ing I also looked at the paleo diet, ie. eating caveman style. I was wanting to get back to food in it natural state and cooking from scratch. Paleo is too strict for me but I have benefited from reading about it - I now use whole milk/yogurt and best of all grass fed cow butter...yummy| I do keep the odd ready meal in the freezer for emergencies but am hooked on the hairy dieters recipe book. Pre fast days I cook enough for two days which means on a fast day I just need to heat up my meal and add a salad or veg. Last night however I had cheesey scrambled egg on wholemeal toast for my fast dinner which is just as quick as putting a ready meal in the microwave.

I'm 2 weeks in. I only have fluids during the day and then a salmon fillet and steamed veg in the evening to make up my 500 (Salmon fillet 189 cals)
This week I'm trying ready meals... Tonight I had Co-op Chilli Chicken and Noodles and half a packet of their pre-prepared Chinese Stir Fry Veg (Total 380 cals) It was delicious and I was stuffed!!!! Will be trying various other ready meals. M&S Fuller for Longer have been highly recommended by a fellow 5:2 faster
This week I'm trying ready meals... Tonight I had Co-op Chilli Chicken and Noodles and half a packet of their pre-prepared Chinese Stir Fry Veg (Total 380 cals) It was delicious and I was stuffed!!!! Will be trying various other ready meals. M&S Fuller for Longer have been highly recommended by a fellow 5:2 faster
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