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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I grew up in the U.K. so I dream of a traditional British Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

I know you either love Paxo stuffing or hate it and I love it :heart: as its quite rare here!!! You can track it down sometimes in the "gourmet" section, only in the traditional sage and onion flavour.

So, for our Thanksgiving meal this week I am making Paxo stuffing and serving it to my unsuspecting OH!!! (There will be traditional American foods too!!!!) :eat: Going to add some fresh sweet onion - should I cook/soften the onions first, or just add it raw to the mix??? :?:

Any other Paxo lovers or haters out there????
Hate! Stuffing should be sausagemeat with chestnuts and apples IMHO
dont know it but the foodie in me says if you go to the trouble of preparing a roast, dont skimp on the stuffing and dont reach for the packet mix no matter how good it is. prepare from scratch.. you can probably practice before the big event to get it just right.

my fave recipe site is BBCgoodfood and they have pages of stuffing recipes ... t+STUFFING
I know I probably shouldn't but I love it.
Love sage and onion stuffing, hate paxo.
Make your own from scratch, so simple and much tastier.
Yum, yum, yum!!!!!!
Love Paxo, but probably won't bother to make any this year (wheat content, and the rest of the family hate it)!
Hate it. My dear Dad who sadly passed away nine years ago always made the stuffing for our turkey and I have followed his recipe though it never tastes quite as good as his did. It's so easy - breadcrumbs, good quality sausagemeat, finely chopped onions and parsley mixed by hand. I make it into small balls rather than putting it into the turkey - crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Yum.
I've never had Paxo stuffing, but my mom used to make a home-made stuffing with loads of sage. I didn't like it. It involved a lot of stale bread. It's a strange Thanksgiving memory: earlier in the week the turkey pan being filled with bits of bread being made to go stale. Oddly, I do like what I imagine is the American version of Paxo: Stove top stuffing. less sage is apparently the key...

I've always wanted to give this stuffing recipe a try: ... .html?_r=0
too many preservatives in anything out of a packet im sure. im anti preservatives and probably that bad word TRANSFATS.
Yes, Juliana.Rivers, but this stuff comes from the days well before the hated trans-fats and all that - the original even had "beef suet" and we all survived!!!

Thanks everyone for all your replies!!!!!!
lovemyparrot wrote: Yes, Juliana.Rivers, but this stuff comes from the days well before the hated trans-fats and all that - the original even had "beef suet" and we all survived!!!

Thanks everyone for all your replies!!!!!!

IS beef suet bad? i put a packet into the christmas pudding mixture last night :cry:
convenient... that is all :)
Very processed taste, make your own :)
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