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5:2 Diet Recipes

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3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 15:35
This makes a dozen cookies!

150g nutella
150g plain flour
1 egg (I used large)

Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/350 F/180 c.

Bung all in a bowl and mix, I hand mixed it after the egg had been just mixed in to make it into a dough.

Divided into 12 cookie shapes and placed on a tray (if it's not a non stick, line tray with baking paper/parchment first)

Pop in the oven for 6-8 mins, maybe a tad longer depending on how good ya oven is!

Put on a plate/cooling rack to cool down, when cool, munch away with a glass of milk/tea/to heck with the liquid, gimme cookies!
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 15:50
Wow thank you Dragonsheart!!!! :heart:

going to try this tomorrow, yumyum!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :smile:
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 16:03
I think mine were a bit too wet. Large egg.
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 16:19
Thanks @DragonsHeart :heart: - am going to give this a try at the weekend :smile:
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 17:30
I knew I shouldnt have looked at this on the evening of a fast day!

Im going to enjoy these tomorrow!
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 19:09
Yum! Will try these on a non-fast day! Thank you :like:
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 19:55
scubachick wrote: I knew I shouldnt have looked at this on the evening of a fast day!

Im going to enjoy these tomorrow!

Me too :cry:
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 21:57
This choccy cake done in minutes in the microwave lookd interesting
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 22:54
Oh dear @scubachick that wasn't a good idea. Choccy cake done in minutes. Lord help us.
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
19 Mar 2014, 23:28
We do those "cake in a mug in a microwave" in the evenings, when the sweet tooth strikes and there is nothing else about. So quick and easy, but the Nutella biscuits look as quick and easy, and I bet cooking them in the waffle iron would be delicious.

Though in reality, I know I'll just eat the Nutella with a spoon instead ;)
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
20 Mar 2014, 20:37
So sorry @carieoates! :grin: I did make the cookies, but actually didnt get around to eating one today (definately a new me with this woe!). Kids were fighting over them though. I gather they are delicious.
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
14 Apr 2014, 08:01
UPDATE!! Made a new batch this morning with 50g of oats, 100g flour instead of the 150g flour, even lower cals, a batch of 16 makes for cookies at 83 cals each, not bad imo ;)
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
14 Apr 2014, 11:18
I must put Nutella on my shopping list. Thanks for the recipe.
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
16 Apr 2014, 10:55
@scubachick just made and ate the cake in a mug, yum yum yum. Don't know whether to thank or curse you :lol: I can see these becoming a habit.
Re: 3 ingredient cookies!
17 Apr 2014, 06:31
@DragonsHeart I made the cookies today, probably a silly thing on a fast day. I cheated and tried a tiny bit, very yum. Then I made my son eat one ( not that he protested at all) and as a chocolate biscuit expert he was very impressed.
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