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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Morning all!

I am fasting today and having looked in the fridge I have Leeks, courgettes, broccoli and potatoes in the cupboard.

Does anyone out there have a good low calorie Leek based soup please?

I also have stilton (yum!) but high in calories I know.

Any suggestions gratefully received thanks folks!


I don'tdon't have a recipe as such, but if you were to use a smidge of butter to saute a couple of leeks, and then add some veg or chicken stock and a sliced courgette and maybe some broccoli (not sure about the broccoli in the mix) until the veg is soft and then blitz with a blender, then season with salt and pepper and, if you have any some tarragon, I'm sure it will be v nice and low calorie. I'd leave out the potato.

I often make courgette soup like this. Works out at less than 100 cals per bowl.

There may be a recipe in the food section of our main site also.
Hi Clarry, I agree with carorees to sautee the leek in a bit of butter, add some of good vegetable or chicken stock, boil, season and puree. I would do a separate soup (for tomorrow) with the broccoli and courgette as I think they would go well together and the potato I would leave for another meal.
Leeks have such a delicate flavour that I would not use much else apart from pepper and dependent on salt level in stock a bit of salt.
Yes same for me but I use a chicken oxo cube in mine :like:
Leek and Stilton is lovely too. :clover:
Thank you everyone - Leeks have been cooked with courgettes and a teeny tiny bit of cabbage, vegetable stock and salt and pepper.
It's cooling now ready to whizz up in the blender later!
It certainly smells good so I hope it's tasty for my tea!
Do let us know how it comes out my lovely :) I usually just chop every veg in sight, boil it in stock with lentils & seasoning and add a little milk to make it creamy. Must get mum's pea soup recipe for in the winter, assuming I'm on the different meds then. A bit of smoked sausage always goes nicely in a veg soup too, though it's pretty high cal so I just use a little and chop it small. I could have sent some up for you with mum this afternoon if I'd known you were having soup!
Ok, so I'm guessing that @moogie and @clarry know each other :?:
Indeed, she's my sister :) it was so long ago she signed up I'm not surprised folks don't remember!
carorees wrote: Ok, so I'm guessing that @moogie and @clarry know each other :?:

I think you're right @carorees sister maybe?

You see it took me far to long to type that!!! Now we know
Ah ha! Thanks @Moogie! I see that would have been away on holiday when @Clarry signed up so that's my excuse for not knowing!

Hope the soup was nice...
The soup was scrummy! Think it's going to be a staple meal for me on Fast days. I have to get my head back into FD meals again, it's been a while. I think it must have been Dec/Jan when I started to slip off the 5:2.

Yes indeed Moogie is my sister and I'm very very proud of her and all she has achieved and done, and how much help and inspiration she is to others xx Love you sis xxx
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