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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Freeze dried?
28 Oct 2015, 11:42
Not sure this is the right forum, but I ask away anyhow.
I'm looking for great tasting low cal freeze dried meals that can be bought on the internet. Freeze dried since I don't think companies in GB ship vacuum packed or like that to Sweden. I am quite fussy when it comes to food and of the three meals I bought at the gym, only one tastes halfway good and I can't live on Chili Con Carne only LOL.
The sun is shining, fall is here big time and it's quite nippy in the mornings.
Re: Freeze dried?
29 Oct 2015, 06:10
There is stuff on Amazon aimed at the backpacking/camping market. Whether the quality is suitable I don't know but might be worth a try?
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