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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Well, I broke my record yet again!

It now stands at <75 calories for a filling, sustainable meal:

The unexpected consequence of consuming such a low calorie meal is that one is able to carry on the fast into a third day.

So, finish eating at 7.00pm on the Sunday, say; don't eat until dinner the following evening at 7 - a 24 hour complete fast; breakfast on the Tuesday morning is, say, 200 calories - lunch is perhaps 300 calories. Then eat a normal dinner at 7 on the Tuesday, and you've done 48 hours on 600 calories and you haven't felt deprived.

The reason I like to do this on occasion is that I'm certain that in our development as humans we often faced situations where we had no food available for a day or more - and we survived!

Similarly, once a week, I like to have a bit of a blow-out - as our ancestors no doubt did whenever they came across some food. At a Sainsbury's, for instance! :grin:
My goodness @Breadandwine, you'll be coming up with recipes with negative calories soon! Well they do say that eating celery uses up more energy than it contains! :bugeyes: :lol:
Well done that man, and, nice to see you again or have we just been ships that pass in the night? I also , like@Minumonline am a fan of a bit of mix and match, I think it keeps us on out toes, so to speak.

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina wrote: Well done that man, and, nice to see you again or have we just been ships that pass in the night? I also , like@Minumonline am a fan of a bit of mix and match, I think it keeps us on out toes, so to speak.

Ballerina x :heart:

And as a ballerina you would be an expert on that honey! :geek: :like: :heart:

Loving what you do and say breadandwine. Should I expose my coconut rolls recipe to Planet Earth do you think, or is it Too Soon? :bugeyes:
Thanks, folks! :)

@Azureblue you should definitely show off your rolls - hope you took pics.

(Meant to come back to you earlier.)
Ahh its magic! Was just wondering where you were last night and talking about your " the kitchen is now closed! " quote,and voila here you are today!
Dont think i am made of strong nuff stuff for 48 hrs on 600 cals just yet tho BnW! X
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