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5:2 Diet Recipes

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New vegetable ideas: D is for?
26 Mar 2014, 17:57
Thought it might be a good idea to revive the series of threads on new vegetables to try. Anyone have any good recipes for veggies beginning with D? In fact, what vegetables are there that begin with D?

Um...dolmades, dill, daikon? Hmm, this might be quite a short thread!
Can't think of any others Caroline!
Hey there .... You can eat dahlia tubers (and flowers) . Taste like yams a bit and I think we can class em as a veggie
Drussle sprouts, darrots, dolliflower, I will stop my spell checker is going mad.
Justme wrote: Hey there .... You can eat dahlia tubers (and flowers) . Taste like yams a bit and I think we can class em as a veggie

What any dahlias or is it just certain types?...probably need not only a recipe but how to grow them as well!
Never tried them but I believe dandelion leaves are edible, maybe @Manderleycan confirm that they're eaten as salad in France?
You're right, dandelion can be eaten as salad. It's not something very common however, the last time I ate some was when I was teenager. We could find some in our garden.
I have dandelion all the time in my mixed green salads! A lot of the mixes I buy have them, but they're quite plentiful around here, I used to forage them for my iguana and he loooved them! Also, my dad made dandelion wine using the flowers when I was a kid, but I was not allowed any, boo :(
Dill is quite lovely, I use it in my ranch seasoning and for tzatziki :)
Can't think of other "D" veggies then the ones already mentioned, doh!
Desiree potatoes? :lol: lovely in their jackets,roasted, mashed x yummers
And we get Dutch Cream potatoes - similar to Desiree, I think. My first thought was Daikon. I loved them in Japan but they have a fallen off the radar now. I believe they aren't hard to grow. Dandelion leaves is the only D entry in Jane Grigson's Vegetables book. How surprising!
PS I would never eat a dahlia!
Just to live up to my own stereotype, dulse (or dillisk) seaweed. It's the kinda red slippy stuff on the rocks at the beach. (As opposed to the pink thing on the rocks that is me :grin: )
Here are some recepies, but I cant vouch for any!
Those look really interesting Scubachick, not that I'm likely to make any of them, as I'm miles from the coast. I need to try to remember about them when I'm holidaying in the Scottish Highlands in April.
Dinosaur Kale..... nice briefly cooked and chopped into a salad with feta, pecans and sundried tomatoes. But I prefer dandelion greens
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