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5:2 Diet Recipes

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13 Feb 2013, 21:19
The missus made a comment when she first moved over to Cyprus that back in the UK, salad usually meant a bit of lettuce, plus a few slices of cucumber and tomato.

When we make salads, there are a whole load of possibilities, often based on whatever we have in the fridge at that particular time.Yesterday was no exception. @shell asked if I could post the recipe, so here it is:

1 Pink Grapefruit
1 Beefsteak Tomato
Iceberg Lettuce or any Salad Greens
1 Onion
Feta (diced)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

We usually cut the veggies and Feta up into fairly uniform dice and add a glug of the Olive Oil, season with salt and pepper and then mix everything well.

Many things will go together, just dice up tomato, cucumber and onion, you could add fresh or dried herbs to make it different and avoid it becoming boring.

All of our tomatoes here are basically Beefsteak rather than the watery insipid thing you tend to get in UK supermarkets, and our cucumbers are the small ones - I heard them being called "Lebanese" cucumbers. These have a better texture and are not full of seeds like the bigger ones back in the UK

I will add more recipes to this thread as they come to me.
Re: Salads
13 Feb 2013, 21:40
Mmm, sounds nice. Do you have a calorie count?

I had a lovely salad at my nieces's the other day, which I was going to try to replicate. It was puy lentils, broad beans, beetroot, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese...delicious!
Re: Salads
13 Feb 2013, 22:01
The calorie count would only be approximate, it pretty much the same in most recipes since the quantities will vary slightly. I got the numbers from an online calorie database. As we made it for two, I took half the quantities to make it for one.

Grapefruit 1/2 52 cal
Tomato 1/2 25 cal
Iceberg Lettuce 1 cup 8 cal
Onion 1/2 medium 22 cal
Feta 2 cubic inches 90
EVOO 1/2 tablespoon 60

Total 257 cal
Re: Salads
22 Feb 2013, 09:34
Here's a fab salad for a non fast day, it's on the bbc good food website, it's called salad lyonnaise, we use one slice of bread for the croutons and that's enough, surprisingly filling ... -egg-salad
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