The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Recipes

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There's a long thread on the noodle version of this:

Should I add your post to the existing thread?
Thanks, yes feel free to merge xx
bought it in H&Barratt along with the noodles papillon....hated it with a passion which you will have noticed if you read the other thread!..its not the taste because it is totallt tasteless....its the texture I just cannt have!!!!..I made the rice into a curried rice salad which I normally love....errrrr....binned...just a waste of my other ingredients ......but other people are liking it and the noodles best advice is to buy and try.....but its expensive just buy one and see how it goes!
Hated the rice - just too gelatinous for me. Really like the noodles and pasta though. They're currently on buy one get one half price at Holland and Barratt.
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