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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Breakfast recipes!
22 Jan 2013, 12:36
I know a lot of people seem to find it easier to wait until lunch or the eve to use their calories but I am used to having breakfast and start to feel queasy if I don't have it (although maybe this will change as I get used to the diet?). Today is my first fast day and I had a fat free Muller Light yogurt (88 cals) but does anyone have any other low cal quick breakfast ideas? Bearing in mind that I won't get up in time to cook eggs or anything before work ;)

Re: Breakfast recipes!
22 Jan 2013, 12:44
Hi, I am like you and find it hard to go without breakfast so I am thinking of buying those sachets of porridge, as they are around the 150 mark if made with water. Also I think a couple of scotch pancakes are only 140 ish. I used to like fruit and yoghurt but didnt find it very filling.

Angela x
Re: Breakfast recipes!
22 Jan 2013, 16:28
I wouldn't advise having breakfast at all, you're only going to carry on eating all day .
Re: Breakfast recipes!
22 Jan 2013, 16:45
Thanks Dean, I think that may have been my downfall! I have found it really hard today. Only thing is a felt a bit queasy and shakey around 10, which is why I ate the yogurt but am hoping once I get used to it this will get better.
Re: Breakfast recipes!
22 Jan 2013, 17:06
Yes, it will. Your body is so used to getting a regular carbohydrate fix that when you skip a meal it is slow to switch into fat burning. After a few fasts it switches smoothly so you don't get blood sugar lows.
Re: Breakfast recipes!
23 Jan 2013, 09:32
Hi Sarah,
If you cant go without breakfast Fage 0% fat Greek Yogurt and 80g blueberries is a good fasting day breakfast - under 200 calories and lots of protein to fill you up!
Re: Breakfast recipes!
24 Jan 2013, 23:48
I need some sort of breakfast and I don't find I need snacks because of it. I've tried two from the book so far. Cottage cheese with half a pear and a soft fig (apparently fresh ones are better calorie wise but I couldn't find any fresh ones). That kept me as satisfied as my normal museli that I have on feed days. But I think some sort of fruit and a good dollop of protein really helps. I had soft boiled egg and half a grapefruit this morning. I really didn't think that would be enough but it was! But I know what you mean about the faffiness of eggs, I only did it this morning because I had a late start.

Anyway, let me know how you get on.
Re: Breakfast recipes!
25 Jan 2013, 12:04
How about doing a couple of hard boiled eggs the night before, take the shells off and put in the fridge. Lots of protein on the go. 180 cals
Re: Breakfast recipes!
25 Jan 2013, 12:34
You can poach an egg the night before and leave it in iced water in the fridge and then drop into simmering water for 20-30 seconds.
If you boil the water first in the kettle and then chuck it in the pan and serve on a handful of baby spinach leaves it won't take too long ;)
Re: Breakfast recipes!
27 Jan 2013, 16:51
Or an omlette. Mix 2 eggs the night before cover in cling film put in fridge. Dry fry in non stick pan,a quick protein fix for the start of day
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