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5:2 Diet Recipes

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I made this recipe up from bits of other ones and can't believe it so low in calories (though I have read various calorie counts for prawns which could effect it).

this makes enough for two

2-3 large bell peppers
little oil
1 small onion, diced
salt and pepper
175 pack of cooked prawns chopped up small
100 grams long grained rice
tin of tomatoes
chicken stock

cut tops of peppers and remove seeds, blanch in boiling water for 3 mins, drain.
fry onion till soft, add seasonings, prawns, rice and tomatoes. Cook until rice is soft and sauce is thick adding stock if necessary. If you like it hot add some tabasco!

I cut the peppers in half and heap the stuffing on top, but you could leave them whole and carefully spoon the mixture in. Bake on a greased baking tin at medium heat - 150-160c for 15 to 20 minutes.
What do you get the calorie count to be? I reckon about 425? Can you add the cal count to the title to help with recipe searching please? Thanks!

Sounds yummy!
I second that, what is the calorie count please? Sounds good. I might add mushrooms instead of part of the rice to reduce the calories further.
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