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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Yesterday, fancying a change from my usual curry or chilli - I simply took my usual veg stew, made it a bit more tomatoey and had it with homemade tagliatelle:

This comes to less than 300 calories. Doesn't have to be homemade pasta, of course - 40g of dried pasta comes to around 140 calories, which, combined with a tasty veg sauce which can be made for less than 150 calories makes calorie counting a doddle!

I made enough veg stew for Wednesday's fast day - I'll probably addd red kidney beans and turn it into a chilli non carne! (Me being vegan and all that! :D )
Love your recipes. Love your posts.

I'm moving to Taunton! :D
Hi I'm new to this fasting diet, and maybe as bit thick. Can you tell me where i can find the recipe for your usual "Veg stew". Sounds great.
Hi vindialan

The 'Veg stew' is merely the veg listed at the beginning of the recipe - once all the veg are simmering, and the seasoning added, it can be turned into several different dishes. Bit of laziness on my part, I feel! :D

You get a lot of veg for very few calories. I'm thinking about going for the record least number of calories in a meal. Perhaps celery (8 cals/100g) soup! :lol:

If you look around my blog, anything with 5:2 in the title is worth checking out!

Welcome to this WOL (Way Of Living), BTW!

Cheers, B&W
Hi breadandwine,
1 up for your site. I've been looking at your pasta making posts and just wondered is there a reason why you use doves strong white bread flour or wholemeal as opposed to pasta flour? Is there something in the pasta flour (Or not) that doesn't agree with you medically or is it just a preference? Thanks again for your recipes.
I use the doves farm pasta flour myself and it gives good results. Making some lasagne today as it happens...
Teedoff wrote: Hi breadandwine,
1 up for your site. I've been looking at your pasta making posts and just wondered is there a reason why you use doves strong white bread flour or wholemeal as opposed to pasta flour? Is there something in the pasta flour (Or not) that doesn't agree with you medically or is it just a preference? Thanks again for your recipes.
Thanks, Teedoff! :)

The reason I use bread flour is because that is what I've got in - I also wanted to show that you don't need any special ingredients.

Obviously, in the interests of science I should get some pasta flour and see if the results are any better - but I struggle with inertia at the best of times! :P

If anyone would like to make the comparison for me, I'll happily report the results in my blog.

Cheers, Paul
Paul, do you have a recipe for naan bread by chance? Haven't got a tandoor, so not sure it can be made without. DS loves naan. I tried palming him off with my pita bread, but he complained!
Thanks for that Paul. I do have some pasta flour so will def try now I've seen it on your site and seen how easy it looks (Hopeful)
My husband has been making parathas the past few times we've had curry and they are lush but like Caroline, I would like to try naans if you have a recipe. Especially if its as easy as the pasta.

Didn't realise there was a Doves pasta flour?

In a green packet called pizza and pasta flour (or it might be pasta and pizza flour)! Makes nice pizza dough and pita breads. It's nice in biscuits too.
Hi Caro and June

I've just updated all three naan recipes on my blog - plain naan (individual and table naans), spicy fruit naan and Peshwari naan. They're all on the front page of my blog, in the archive - under my ugly mug! :D

Thanks for the Pasta flour info, Caro - just for interests sake, what is the protein count? The reason I ask is that bread flour generally has a higher protein count than plain flour, so it's a measure of how much gluten is in there. The more gluten there is, the better it is for making bread.

Cheers, B&W
Hi Paul

The pasta flour protein count is 9.9g/100g

Thanks for the naan recipes!
Thanks B&W for this recipe. Had it last night and it was scrummy.

Have to confess though that I didn't make my own pasta. My cooking skills don't stretch that far.
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