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5:2 Diet Recipes

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200 cals - Yuk Sung
31 Jan 2013, 14:10
Easy recipe for Chinese Style Yuk Sung which comes in around 200 calories a portion ..... and is delicious! I make mine in a tagine, so I can pop it on a low heat and just leave it!!
Carrots - Raw, 2 medium - grated
Kingfisher - Water Chestnuts, 150 g - finely chopped
Amoy - Light Soy Sauce, 15 ml
Waitrose - Lean Minced Free Range Pork, 1 Pack (300g)
Chinese Five Spice
Iceberg Lettuce Leaves to serve

The above makes 3 portions ....... so it can be used on a fasting day as it's only around 200 calories - and one portion equates to a tablespoon in a lettuce leaf x 2 ...... then on a feast day, you can use a portion with a packet of wok noodles or with a portion of rice to makea balance, still reasonably low calorie meal.
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
31 Jan 2013, 14:49
I edited your title to include the calorie count...hope that's OK? It helps people browsing for recipes to identify ones that meet the calorie count they need.

It does sound delicious, but a tablespoon in a lettuce leaf does not sound too filling! I may try this on a feast day I think ;-)
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
31 Jan 2013, 15:20
You could always add Shirataki noodles on a fast day - My FitnessPal counts them as 10 calories per 100g drained.
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
31 Jan 2013, 15:38
I find this recipe surpringly filling - and put this down to the waterchestnuts, which also have a lovely crunch. And thanks Penny - I have not heard of Shirataki noodles, so will look them up now. Nice to see another MFP user .... I think it's amazing for checking calories!
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
31 Jan 2013, 17:49
Plus to should be clear that 200 calories is a tablespoon in a lettace leaf twice - and the tablespoons can safely be slightly rounded without exceeing 200 calories.
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
01 Feb 2013, 14:41
Would this work ok with a few beansprouts instead of water chestnuts?

There's not many food things I don't like but water chestnuts is top of my list :lol:
Re: 200 cals - Yuk Sung
01 Feb 2013, 18:55
Yes Pixie - I don't see why not! Give it a go x
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