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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 19:16
I read this somewhere but cannot remember where - sorry I cannot credit the author for a great idea (maybe someone will know whose idea it was?) For a substitute for rice, grate some cauliflower and then heat it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.... it is surprisingly good, and great with something cooked in a sauce. I had it tonight with the Chicken Puttanesca from the Fast Diet Cook Book (delicious!) and as a life-long cauliflower hater I am now converted! :grin:
Re: Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 19:45
Wow sounds intriguing _ I love cauli and roast it whole with cumin in the oven it's delish :)
Re: Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 20:13
Mashed as well? Great idea - thanks Izzy, will give that a go too! And roasted whole sounds good too? Whoever thought the humble cauli could be so interesting, lol! Thanks for the extra tips :-D
Re: Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 20:32
just had it roasted for dinner - gets browned and crunchy like popcorn. :) mashed on shepherd's pie is divine! or just plain with a little butter and black pepper and salt. YUM. i'll have to try the "rice"!
Re: Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 20:56
Celeriac is really good too - 18 cals per 100g.
You can mash it half and half with cauliflower, especially if you're not so keen on the cauli taste.
And you can process it with the cauli to use for 'rice', it's really good part-cooked (eg in microwave) then stir-fried with ginger, spring onion etc.
Re: Cauliflower Tip
30 May 2013, 21:01
I do like celeriac and have used it quite a lot pre 5:2 so will definitely continue to use that. Thanks for all the extra tips everyone - cauli (and celeriac) will definitely be on my shopping list in future!
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