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5:2 Diet Recipes

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I had some of these tonight ... oven-chips

They were great. I usually add lots of butter and/or cream to celeriac and then roast it not very fast day friendly so was pleased to find this recipe. I reduced the fat further by brushing a small amount on the chips with a pastry brush. We had the chips with a lovely low fat prawn curry.
Sounds lovely. Like the idea of different types of chips.

Will def try. Thanks. :D

Hungry now! Argh! Why did I read this post on fast day ... :roll:
Thanks for this. I love chips and I love celeriac, so this will definitely get a go in our house. I frequently use it mashed on its own or mixed with potatoes or other roots as it is much lower in calories than potatoes. I've used it to top a shepherd's pie in the past and the other day to top a lovely fish pie I made.
I've never tried celeriac - does it taste similar to potato?
No it's like celery...but less stringy!
What a great idea re the chips! I like to use it as a mash substitute, great mixed up and mashed with cauliflower.

Moogie its similar to potato that its hard and round and a bit knobbly :-) but with a celery smell.
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