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Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 20:44
I'm PMSing big style :oops: Spot breakout, tiredness, irritability, bloating, the works. I am planning to fast tomorrow. I wonder if any of the ladies can shed light on what effects PMS will have on my fast (if any)? Will the fast be harder? I've read somewhere that appetite increases during the premenstrual period.

Thoughts? :?:
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 20:50
I do find it harder on pmt days I usually allow an extra 100 cals for a small bar choc in the evening and sometimes I have low cal soup at 2/3pm instead of fasting a full 24 hrs. Once it's over though I can go back to a full 24 hr fast.
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 20:54
I thought that I wouldn't make it but not only I made it but it was the best (well, you know what I mean) period of my life. I only took 2 paracetamols (I usually take 4 a day) on the first day and that was it.
I fasted one day before my period came and then one day after.
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 21:02
Madeyemoodysmum Do you find it harder because of the increase in appetite? Or because of the irritability? Or something else?

TML13 Was the fast harder for you?
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 21:12
I really crave high carb foods few days pre period, choc, cake anything sweet and stodgy!

I don't really get mood swings, they tend to be mid cycle for me strangely.
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 21:23
No, Pip, it actually wasn't. But I ate porridge for both lunch and dinner (carbs) and I tried to fool (successfully) me with that 9 calories jelly.
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 21:33
TML13 wrote: No, Pip, it actually wasn't. But I ate porridge for both lunch and dinner (carbs) and I tried to fool (successfully) me with that 9 calories jelly.

Sounds like what I have.

My typical 500 cal intake consists of rice cakes and jelly at 8pm. Mmmmmm comforting carbs. I love it :grin:
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Apr 2013, 21:57
So do I! :-)
Re: Fasting with PMS
10 Apr 2013, 03:51
So far, I have found that I fast fine on premenstrual days, and while menstruating. Definitely not more difficult. My (sometimes painful, sometimes painfree) periods have been light and cramp free, which could be coincidence or could be related to fasting. I've only been 2:5ing for a couple of months, so hopefully it continues this way.
Re: Fasting with PMS
13 May 2013, 11:45
Hi Madeyemoodysmum, the reason you get PMS mid-cycle is probably because you're ovulating. That's also the most moody time for me. PMS can happen anywhere from ovulation onwards - it's a myth that it only happens in the week before your period (some women get it during their period too.)

I started the fast diet a week ago and have lost 2lbs - slightly worried that I won't be able to keep it up when I'm premenstrual though because I usually feel so fragile, but we'll see! :smile:
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Jul 2013, 16:05
My last fast day (thurs) was the day before my period & it was hell! I woke hungry, was starving all day & as a result, moody. I managed just to stay within 500cals but I drank lots more tea, with sugar! Then on Friday - non fast day, I couldn't eat enough, I went through the cupboards hoovering anything in sight, ate half a pot of Hagen daas (would have had all if OH hadn't chimed in) & even had a hot chocolate when all other goodies had gone. Total binge like I haven't done in a long time! I'm fasting again today with my period but not nearly as ravenous as thurs/ fri!!!!
Re: Fasting with PMS
08 Jul 2013, 18:23
My wife used to get very grouchy during those days of the month. She applied an over-the-counter progesterone cream that fixed that problem quite quickly.

Here's one form of the book: ... 148&sr=1-3

And the other book by the same author: ... 954&sr=1-4

Undoubtedly you can copy the book title and paste it into

The boys and I no longer had to hide behind the couch after that.

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