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How are they different to normal microfibre cleaning cloths? I've never heard of e cloth or Norwex but microfibre is pretty much all I use for cleaning.
Excellent! I spent all day yesterday trying for inspiration for MIL b'day present. Sorted thanks to you lovely people. Amazon here I come (via this site of course!)

Now, any ideas for my 20 year-old nephew ?
Dearie me, I have stumbled into a den of domestic goddesses! :shock: :lol: :lol:
I do have some e-cloths bought about two years ago when suffering some sort of self-delusion, maybe when I'd been visiting a friend's pristine house. Well, I don't think that my MiL bought me them... :wink:
Do you think they've gone off?! :?: :oops:
I've been using e cloths for over 10 years. The price is scary but they last for years! Can't praise them enough. I use them for everything and don't use chemical cleaners very much because of it. Very green and planet, sensitive skin, iguana, fish friendly. They do need washing frequently and if you leave them to dry often they don't get revolting lol.
Tara, I think they are the same thing, just different names. :like:

Nessie, YES, I think that must be why she lives so far away from you :confused:

Wildmissus, if you do treat your future sons in law to them please promise do not to boil wash the poor boys as I understand it renders them speechless, even though this is every mil's dream come true!! :rotfl:

Ballerina x :heart:
Tara25 wrote: How are they different to normal microfibre cleaning cloths? I've never heard of e cloth or Norwex but microfibre is pretty much all I use for cleaning.

They are just microfibre cloths :grin:
No they are not just microfiber cloths. I have those and they aren't they aren't that good. These have a much finer thread and are treated with silver which is an antimicrobial or so I have read. Anyway thank you ladies I am sold. The investment will be worth it because I will no longer have to buy the cleaning solutions.
Annie how about the electronic e cloth for the nephew?
I just use cheap microfibre cloths. They clean fine with water or watered down vinegar. I run them through the washer after use.

I reckon in about 5-10 years, they'll 'discover' how bad all this anti-bacterial/anti-microbe stuff has been for our health. ;)
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