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Any e cloth users out there?
23 Aug 2013, 23:57
Just learned of a chem free cleaning product called e cloth and norwex. How do you like them and are they worth the money? Any input would be greatly appreciated. :wink:
Fasters, I have read these products have been all the rage in Europe. Have I been misled? Has no one cleaned with them?
If this is the same as microfiber cloths then I don't really like them as I find they smell after a short time and really don't get anything clean. I have gone back to cotton and elbow grease!
We have had microfiber here for a long time but this type has a finer thread and is treated with silver to make it antimicrobial. It has a silky feel to it.
I love ecloths, they come in different grades for different purposes and are fab for window cleaning. Some are expensive, some are cheap. I use them for everything and love them (saddo!)
I love them so much I bought my 4 daughter in laws the window ones. They do need a boil wash now and again. I find things that I haven't been able to get clean with cloths and detergent shine up beautifully with my E cloths.
I have an amazing e facecloth which I got from QVC years ago. I don't use it now, but it is THE BEST THING for cleaning children's faces after face paint! Only water needed and no sore faces :)
Ha! Ha! Nessie, and you mean to say your dils are still talking to you? :grin:
Another one for the sad do club! Been using them for years because like the 5:2 wol they work.
Goodness me, Nessie boil washes her four daughters in law! :shock: I'm with Dhana on this one, surprised they still speak to her, in fact I'm amazed they can speak at all after being boil washed :bugeyes:

Ballerina x :heart:
I just lost a long reply so I now can't be bothered typing it all out again. The gist was if I am ever found dead with an E cloth round my neck you can tell the police there are 4 suspects. I also gave them all these green round plastic things with lots of pegs hanging from them. I thought they would be perfect for wee socks and undies. do you think this is why my only daughter lives in Brisbane. :shock: :?:
I use ecloths and micro fibre cloths for cleaning everything - dishes, worktops, bathroom & shower, floors, windows, a damp ecloth to dust. They get thrown in the washing machine regularly (the cloths that is) and I find I don't use as many cleaning chemicals as I used to.

Perhaps when my girls are older and get married I'll give the son-in-laws ecloths but I draw the line at that - no green round plastic things :shock: .
Agree with wildmissus and nessie - e cloths rool ok :razz: :wink:
I haven't come across e cloth, but have Enjo that I've had for over a decade and still going strong, plus I've supplemented my collection with Norwex, also very good. You can get much cheaper microfibres here (Australia) now too, in Supermarkets, not sure if they last as long. I know that Enjo is so expensive mostly to pay for the party plan style of selling (I was a consultant for a year and it was really good money), so sure the cheaper prices would be as much (if not more) that rather than quality.
(Also, I'm the laziest cleaner in the world, and I find them by far the quickest, easiest way of cleaning, plus incredibly cheap when you factor in how long you use them for)
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