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Re: Anyone else an insomniac?
08 Oct 2013, 09:01
Seems it is common problem. I have slept badly for years. Occasionally I get a full nights sleep and I do feel the difference. I go off easily but wake up two hours later and come down stairs. It confuses the dogs a bit! I read or knit until I feel sleepy again then go back to bed. I am usually up two hours. The problem now is I am getting two migraines a week, due I think to my bad nights. I am retired too so tend to have slow mornings after a very bad night. It makes no difference if I have fasted or not!
Re: Anyone else an insomniac?
08 Oct 2013, 09:24
It's a devil of a thing insomnia. To have a good nights sleep is such a sweet thing.

Never know which it is going to be for me eg sleep or not to sleep but as said already no use fussing about it. I don't get up but accept that I might manage to doze some more. Some nights after fasting I am knackered and crash then other nights I am buzzing with energy with sleep evading me

Sigh I used to be such a sound sleeper pre children, peri menopause and stressful work now poor sleeping patterns a bit of a habit. Grateful when I sleep well!
Re: Anyone else an insomniac?
10 Oct 2013, 14:59
Wow, so many different experiences!

I definitely find that laying in bed too long is not terribly helpful. If I haven't fallen asleep within about 45 minutes, I usually get up and read on the couch or something.

My thyroid levels have something to do with it. I fear I'm running low again (which is technically a good thing and could mean another reduction in my medication). Slightly low thyroid levels cause insomnia *and* fatigue - such a fun combination.

I got six hours last night, which was a huge relief because I had only three the night before. >.<
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